For the first time ever, we begin publishing original
documents from the WW2 British Intelligence archives,
relating to the inmate populations in various
concentration camps as recorded in 1942 / 43.
This article is intended as an introduction to these
documents and to promote understanding of their origin,
composition and use. Some of the detail in these
archival sources can be complicated and demands
appropriate analysis from experts. It is anticipated
that experts in the worldwide audience will be be able to
add much needed analysis and interpretation and will be
able to place the detail within the appropriate,
historical context. However, it is recommended to
first read this introduction and all of the published
sources, prior to offering comment, asking questions or
attempting analysis. Comments can be submitted using
the Contact Form,
or alternatively, follow or join in the discussion thread
Sir Frank Hinsley's Revelation.
Since the publication in 1981 of F. H. Hinsley’s
multi-volume official history, British
Intelligence in the Second World War, it has been
known that British Intelligence had been intercepting and
decoding radio messages sent by the “German Order Police”
- the Ordnungspolizei
or ORPO.[1] This crucial wartime intelligence was
the direct result of earlier
Polish efforts in breaking German Police cyphers.
Among the myriad "German Police" (GP) decrypts, as they
were generally referred to at Bletchley Park, were
messages concerning the suppression of resistance and
subversion, especially in Poland and the Baltic States, in
the Balkans, in Russia and Italy. Hinsley revealed that,
for the first two years of the war, the ORPO “simple hand
cyphers” were at times also used by the Security Police
(SIPO), the Criminal Investigation Branch (KRIPO), the
Secret State Police (GESTAPO), and the Security Service,
Sicherheitsdienst (SD). Together with the high
security Enigma
messages known as ULTRA,
these combined decrypts provided a vast repository of
intelligence, part of which concerned the reprisals
inflicted by the Germans in the course of their
anti-partisan operations. The decodes between July and August
1941 for the paramilitary ORPO, used in close
collaboration with units of the SS, gave at least seven
examples of mass shootings on the Eastern Front, with
victims described variously as Jews, Jewish Plunderers,
Jewish bolshevists or Russian Soldiers. These messages
also provided the British with intelligence of victim
numbers, ranging from less than a hundred to several
is less well known, is that Hinsley also revealed that
these decoded messages yielded significant and primary
source details of the “daily prisoner returns”,
transmitted by the various concentration camp
establishments to the controlling camp bureaucracy.
These decoded "German Police Concentration Camp" or GPCC
HORHUG figures, described as the concentration camp “vital
statistics”, [3] contained totals for the inmate
populations at several concentration camps, including
Dachau, Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
Hinsley’s final paragraph of Appendix 5, “The German
Police Cyphers”, provided the solitary Volume II
reference, offering historians the first indication that
these classified concentration camp decrypts existed: [4]
“From the spring of 1942 until February 1943, when
it ceased to be sent by W/T, GC and CS decrypted
in another cypher a daily return of prisoners at
Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz and seven other
concentration camps – not all of them, but a good
cross section.* The daily return consisted of a
series of unheaded, unexplained columns of figures
which GC and CS worked out to mean (a) number of
inmates at the start of the previous day, (b) new
arrivals, (c) departures by any means, and (d) number
at the end of the previous day. It also
specified the various categories of prisoner, such as
politicals, Jews, Poles, other Europeans and
Russians. GC and CS interpreted column (c) –
‘departures by any means” – as being accounted for
primarily by deaths. The returns from Auschwitz,
the largest of the camps with 20,000 prisoners,
mentioned illness as the main cause of death, but
included references to shootings and hangings.
There were no references in the decrypts to
gassing. There were to be other references to
concentration camps in the police traffic of later
years, but they were infrequent†.
* Belsen did not exist at the time of the messages.
†See Volume III.”
(Note: W/T = Wireless Telegraphy)
Concentration Camp Data
Published here for the first time, are extracts from
two sets of original WW2 documents produced by the
analysts at Bletchley Park from the decodes of German
Police Concentration Camp messages:
1. All of the available GPCC monthly proforma
tables of daily inmate statistics for
Auschwitz. The period covered is between
January 1942 and January 1943.
2. Relevant extracts from seven of the fourteen
available Bletchley Park GPCC monthly / periodic
intelligence summary reports, GPCC series, OS1 to
These summary reports contain
analyses of the GPCC daily inmate returns and more
general GPCC messages for other establishments,
covering decodes for the period:
January 1942 to February
It should be understood that full sets of inmate
statistics for all of the camps mentioned in these
reports, either do not exist in the GP message
archives, or were not collated into tables.
The names of
establishments mentioned in the published summary report
extracts, in no particular order, are as follows:
1998, Dr.
Richard Breitman published the first book to examine
these decrypts, Official
Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and
Americans Knew. He is Professor of History in
The College of Arts & Sciences at The American
University [8] and also serves as Historical Consultant to
the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government
Interagency Working Group, known as the IWG.[9] The
IWG advises US federal agencies and makes recommendations
for the declassification of archival records.[10]
In 2004, Dr.
Nicholas Terry, Professor of History at Exeter
University, published the paper, Conflicting
Signals: British Intelligence on the ‘Final Solution’
Through Radio Intercepts and Other Sources, 1941-1942.
[11] For the first time in a published work, this
paper included references to both the German Police HORHUG
message decrypts for camp prisoner totals, as well as the
Bletchley Park GPCC series of monthly summary reports
which provided important intelligence analyses
and context for the HORHUG returns. Dr. Terry
provides the following context for Dr. Breitman's examination
in his Conflicting Signals paper: [12]
With the release of the Police Decodes to the British
archives in 1997, Richard Breitman was able to make an
initial examination of the so-called No.3 Traffic
through which the prisoner returns were sent. His
analysis was limited by the fact that he was working
solely from the raw decrypts and could only speculate on
interpretation. In late 1998, after the publication of
Breitman's Official Secrets, the remaining files of the
Police Section were released to the British archives;
these included a file containing the summary analyses of
the No.3 Traffic for 1942 and 1943. It is, therefore,
now possible to examine the first attempts by British
intelligence to analyze information received on
In 2005, Robert J. Hanyok at the US National
Security Administration Center for Cryptologic History,
published the paper, "Eavesdropping
on Hell – Historical Guide to Western Communications
Intelligence". This paper examines the broader
history of Communications Intelligence (COMINT) with
useful contributions on the German Police decrypts and
their archival sources.
Dr. Breitman became involved in the
initiative to declassify the Bletchley Park, German Police
signals intelligence held by the NSA in January 1994,
leading the successful campaign to the highest levels of
the UK and US governments with questions asked in the
House of Lords. The culmination of this
co-ordinated, international effort was the book, Official
Secrets, which contains just a single chapter on the
HORHUG type GP decodes, relating to only one of the
concentration camps, Auschwitz. In the twelve pages
of Chapter 7, Auschwitz
Partially Decoded, there are sixty-one end notes.
Only two of these endnotes refer to the declassified
archival sources for the GPCC HORHUG concentration camp
inmate figures. Both occur in a solitary paragraph:
During 1942, however, a number of camps, Auschwitz among
them, reported by radio almost daily the number of
additions and subtractions to the camp prisoner
population. Following instructions, they also
broke down their total number of prisoners by the major
categories - Germans, Jews, Poles, and Russians.
With one big exception (explained below), British
intelligence could and did, with some delay, track the
changing population and mortality at Auschwitz.
[39] In January - March 1942 the number of Jews
was in the hundreds. Beginning in April, it moved
into the thousands, reflecting the arrival of deportees
from Slovakia, and by late July it exceeded ten
thousand. The peak number was just more than
twelve thousand in August; then the official Jewish
population began to decline. In August 1942, 6,829
men and 1,525 women died in the camp. From
September 1 on, "natural" deaths were no longer to be
sent by radio - only in writing. [40]
Endnote [39], p.281: The data from the first months were
decoded only in May 1942. By June, the decodes
were almost contemporaneous with the radio
reports. See the markings at the top of the
data sheets in PRO HW 16/10. Auschwitz was
designated as F. The British noted the death
totals in hand on some of the data sheets and also
highlighted some of the death totals in a summary of 26
Sept. 1942, PRO HW 16/6 part 2.
Endnote [40], p.281: The table of numbers are in PRO HW
Introduction to the GPCC Series of Periodic /
Monthly Summary Reports and the GPCC Monthly Proformas
of Daily Inmate Statistics
The source for the mortality figures quoted above should
be understood to be PRO HW 16/6 and not PRO HW
16/10. Referring to the transcribed table from
archive HW 16/10 below, this archive file contains a
single page for each month, for each camp, comprising
tabulated numeric inmate totals for each day of
the month, as decoded from the daily GPCC inmate HORHUG
returns sent by radio from each camp.
The tabulation consists of several columns of various
categories of inmate counts, with one row of data for each
day of the month when the GPCC inmate statistics were both
transmitted and decoded. On the days when messages
were either not received or decoded then that daily row in
the HORHUG proforma sheet for that camp is recorded as
either "----" or "NOT SENT IN" or sometimes just
blank. Where characters were missed in the decodes,
they are often replaced with "-".
The published extracts of the periodic / monthly summary
reports from archive HW 16/65, describe various directives
to the camps which changed the definition and composition
of these columns over time. The exampe below of
seven columns of inmate statistics, exemplifies the
difference in the Auschwitz August 1942 table, from
Hinsley's original description of four columns.
To illustrate these Bletchley Park, HORHUG proforma
tables, the following transcription is the GPCC Daily
Inmate Proforma for Auschwitz, designated as "F", for
August 1942. This archive table is titled
ZIP/GPCC55/1.9.42 in archive TNA HW 16/10.
HORHUG Inmate Statistics: Column C - Departures by
Any Means
From Hinsleys description above and from an understanding
of the Bletchely Park analyses provided in the extracts of
the periodic summary reports, published for the first time
on this website, it is clear that only one column from the
seven columns of GPCC HORHUG inmate returns, can include
mortality figures. In all of the proforma tables,
column C is known as "Departures by any means".
It should be noted that the designations and composition
of the figures in these columns, were not originally
understood from any message decodes. The column
definitions were deduced by the analysts at Bletchley
Park. As can be seen in the summary reports,
subsequent decoded messages revealed directives which
ordered changes to the compostion of some of the column
data, thereby revealing their evolving definition and
consolidating understanding by the analysts at Bletchely
short description of the column C figures above, "GC
and CS interpreted column (c) – ‘departures by any
means” – as being accounted for primarily by deaths",
requires some expansion.
In the monthly summary reports, the Bletchely Park
analysts describe the column C figures as, including
totals for inmate transfers out of camp, to other camps
and external labour assignments as well as mortality.
Hence, the column C designation, "Departures by any
The introductory "General" paragraph of Section III,
Concentration Camps, in the monthly summary report OS2,
dated 27 September 1942 and quoted below, which was
unavailable to Dr. Breitman, provides the BP analyst's
view of the likely cause for the August 1942 deaths at
Auschwitz as being likely due to a typhus epidemic.
The AUSCHWITZ figure represents
about 30% of the total given in the
GPCC figures (see below);
the cause is likely to be typhus, as
typhus was rife in June
(see last summary) and a policeman is
suspected of typhus in
September. (233b/40). Deaths must
constitute a large proportion,
if not all of the “departures”
mentioned in the GPCC figures,
which total 5325 for 19 days in
August. During 19 days of
August arrivals total 4989 so that
they nearly balance deaths.
About half of the prisoners are
Jews. AUSCHWITZ is said to be
under a ban on 4th September
(223b/10). Deaths in BUCHENWALD
represent a tiny proportion of the
departures: for NIEDERHAGEN
34 departures are recorded for 19
days, and there are 21
deaths; for FLOSSENBÜRG 176
departures are recorded for 16
days and there are 88 deaths. A
message of 4th Sept. implies
that natural deaths will in future
only be reported in writing.
(226b/15). Executions are
reported: a Russian civilian is
shot when attempting to escape from
FLOSSENBÜRG is allowed a lorry and a
bus to convey Polish
civilians to a wood for execution
(223b/28). A prisoner is
hung in HINZERT and nine more are
shot. (223b/67, 226b/4).
The BP analysts
do note in the above report that for Auschwitz in August
1942, "Deaths must constitute a large proportion if not
all of the "departures" mentioned in the GPCC figures
which total 5325 for 19 days of August."
It is therefore clear that, for August 1942 at Auschwitz,
Hinsley's description of column C - Departures by any
means, concurs with the analyst's view for that month at
that location. It is possible that this description
may have been sourced from this summary report when
writing the official history.
this interpretation may or may not always apply for the
column C figures for every day or every month at
Auschwitz, or any of the other camps. This is because the
decoded messages relating to inmate transfers out of
camps, for various reasons, will clearly affect the
proportion of departures by any means which were
caused by mortality.
Understandably, the BP analysts note in their summary
reports that they were not always certain of the precise
breakdown of the column C figures. They also provide
additional data, when known, for the totals of external
departures which were not attributed to mortality.
These can be found by reading the summary reports or by
examining the original German language message archives
from which all periodic summaries were
It should also be noted that there are no regular figures
or compilations for mortality figures. Statements do
exist in the various series of summary reports that
mention mortality such as Dr. Breitman's Auschwitz
example. However, it should be clearly understood
that these are GPCC messages which are separate from the
daily message category of HORHUG inmate figures.
In summary the title for column C, Departures by any
means, is to be interpreted literally.
Referring to Dr. Breitman's quoted summary statement for
mortality at Auschwitz in August 1942. The column C
HORHUG figures, Departures by any means, do not total
6,829 or 1,525, or their sum of 8,354, but rather the
reported figure of 5,325 - as is reflected in the
following month's summary report dated 27 September 1942
published here and in the extract above.
Note also that the August 1942 column C data for Auschwitz
does not include any breakdown for mortality among men or
women. Similarly, no distinction is made for any
mortality component among either, Political Prisoners,
Jews, Poles or Russians.
The message references in the summary report
extract above, (223b/14,24,43,50) confirm that the quoted
mortality figures are derived from another GPCC message
and not from the HORHUG daily inmate returns.
The following explanation should resolve any
misunderstanding when trying to reconcile the column C
arithmetic with the separate mortality figures quoted by
Dr. Breitman.
It was previously assumed that the missing mortality
difference of 3,029 resulting from the sum of recorded
deaths of 8,354 in August 1942 with 6,829 for men and
1,525 for women, could be accounted for by the 12 days
when GPCC returns from Auschwitz were either not
transmitted or not decoded. Further examination and
reasoning has revealed this not to be the case.
On Sundays and Public Holidays, no HORHUG data was
transmitted. Abundant examples are found in the
inmate tables where the closing inmate total for Saturday
has been carried forward to become Monday's opening
total. Simple arithmetic proves that any arrivals
and departures that did occur on Sunday were incorporated
into the arrival and departure figures for Monday.
The main issue with the 8,354 mortality total transmitted
in the additional, non HORHUG message and recorded in the
summary reports, versus the HORHUG column C departures by
any means total of 5,325 will become apparent below, when
it is revealed in September that figures for the women's
camp, which moved to Birkenau in August, begin appearing
on a separate table, via a new set of HORHUG
The August 1942 mortality figure for women of 1,525
therefore does not form part of the column C departures
total for the inmate table in August and until September
1942 at Auschwitz, only male inmate totals were
transmitted in the HORHUG returns.
This then reconciles the BP analyst's assertion above, of
30% mortality as a proportion of the GPCC (HORHUG)
figures, that is, 6,829 is 30% of the closing August
inmate total of 22,549 or 29.7% of the August
Therefore the mortality discrepancy reduces to the
difference between only the male mortality of 6,829 and
the male column C total of 5,325 which amounts to
Of the 12 missing days of HORHUG returns in August, 5 days
are recorded as "Not Sent In" and each of these days was a
Sunday. Any departures occurring on Sundays are
already accounted for in Monday's column C totals.
The remaining 7 missing days are recorded as "---" and
were therefore either, not intercepted or not decoded at
Bletchley Park.
This allows an average daily mortality rate to be
calculated for the non-decoded days only, by dividing the
male mortality discrepancy by the number of non decoded
days. This results in an average daily mortality
rate of 1504 / 7 = 215 per day, for each day that HORHUG
data was not intercepted or decoded at Bletchley
Park. This correlates well with the calculated
average for daily mortality of 220 (6829 / 31) and also
with the average daily departures by any means, of 222 men
(5325 / 24) for 24 days of data included in the 19 days of
decoded HORHUG returns for August 1942 at Auschwitz.
Note that these calculations take no account of departures
that may or may not have occurred for reasons other than
mortality on the non-decoded days, such as external
transfers and labour assignments.
As about 2,000 men in the total are always unaccounted
it is difficult to be certain as to what categories the
arrivals and
departures belong.
Auschwitz Inmate Tables for September 1942 to January
For the period,
January 1942 through to August 1942, the HORHUG daily
inmate statistics for Auschwitz, consists of one table on
a single page for each month.
For the period, September 1942 through to January 1943,
the HORHUG daily inmate statistics for Auschwitz
consists of two tables for each month.
The first
page table in September 1942, appears to be a
continuation of the statistics for January to August and
carries no additional sub-heading or designation.
The first
occurence of the second
table at Auschwitz in September 1942, carries the
sub-heading "V.P.A" and begins on the 1st September with a
large column A Total Inmate figure of 16,629.
Th new table is denoted V.P.A. for September 1942
only. At this stage the meaning of the acronym V.P.A
is unknown. The BP analysts only used the V.P.A term
twice in relation to Auschwitz, the second occurrence is
in the corresponding reference in the summary report
extract below.
From October
1942 through to January
1943 the table on the first page of inmate
statistics for each month is sub-headed "1" and the
previous "V.P.A" table on the second page of statistics
then carries the sub-heading, "3".
There are no inmate tables for Auschwitz in the archives
designated as "2" and no references to this designation in
any of the summary reports. No Auschwitz "2"
designation therefore exists.
Inmate figures for "the BUNA works" are mentioned
separately in three monthly summary reports. OS4 mentions
"2000 Jews", OS5 mentions "2500 prisoners" and OS6
mentions "2210 men" as being employed there.
The word Birkenau does not appear on any of the inmate
tables or in any of the summary reports.
The solitary reference to the term V.P.A at Auschwitz
appearing in a summary report, occurs in the report
covering September / October 1942.
The total falls from 22,355 on 1st Sept. to 17,365 on
Sept. and 16966 on 20th Oct. The number of German
political prisoners
varies between 496 and 553; the number of Jews falls
from 11837 on 1st
Sept. to 6475 on 22nd Sept., the number of Poles falls
from a maximum
of 8489 on 2nd Sept. to a minimum of 6470 on 19th
Oct. No figures for
deaths have been given this month and therefore it
cannot be said what
proportion of the daily departures, which amount to 2395
on 7th Sept.,
1429 on 8th Sept., and otherwise vary between 550 and
47, are due to
death: it is however known that at least 11 SS men have
been taken into
hospital on suspicion of typhus during October (253b/3;
261b/3; 267b/4;
259b/13). As about 2,000 men in the total are
always unaccounted for,
it is difficult to be certain as to what categories the
arrivals and
departures belong. But on 7th Sept. the numbers of
political prisoners, Jews
and Poles have fallen by 1, 2020, 284 respectively, a
net loss of 2305;
the net loss in the total column is 2379; therefore it
is clear that the
majority of the departures are Jews.
more difficult question arises in October: 400
arrived at AUSCHWITZ on the 12th (264b/15), 500 more
were to come soon
after the 16th (GPD/1124/19), and during the same period
of Jews were arriving from Holland, Poland, and
Czechoslovakia (259b/1).
on the 12th 433 arrive, 248 leave; the figure for Jews
is up by 185; on
the 14th 401 arrive, 248 leave; the figure for Jews is
up by 269; on the
21st 331 arrive, 116 leave, the figure for Poles is up
by 226.
it seems therefore clear both that the Volksdeutsche are
not included
and that the arrivals and departures in AUSCHWITZ are
chiefly Jews but
sometimes Poles.
VPA figures are also available for September and early
The VPA figures follow the form of the STUTTHOF returns
i.e. the same as
the ASUCHWITZ returns but with an extra column for the
total of the
preceding day. The camp decreases in size from
16649 on 1 Sept. to
6774 on 20th Sept., although the new arrivals total well
over 3,000
the last column, presumably Russians, remains steady at
between 1200 and
1300, the Poles increase from 786 to 1011, the decrease
therefore lies
between the Germans, the Jews and the unrecorded
balance. Internal
evidence proves that this camp is near AUSCHWITZ; as
there is known to
be a women’s concentration camp at AUSCHWITZ, where 1525
women died in
August (223b/24), it is likely that these figures refer
to it.
When attempting
reconciliation of the above figures with the inmate
statistics in the "Auschwitz VPA" table on 20th September,
it becomes clear that in the third paragraph, "20th Sept"
is an error and should be read as "20th Oct". This
is an obvious mistake, since the 6,774 figure quoted, is
from the "Auschwitz
3" inmate table for 20 October 1942 rather than
September 1942 VPA table as stated.
This is just one of the reasons why great care and caution
should be exercised when interpreting these summary
statements. Special attention should be given to the
punctuation used between successive statements and
allowance made for occasional errors and erroneous
capitalisation at the start of new summary
statements. Otherwise, there is potential for some
statements to be interpreted incorrectly as following on
from the context of the previous statement. Examples
of this potential problem exist in the second paragraph
above and become clear when reconciling the quoted figures
with the HORHUG tables of inmate statistics.
The BP analysts
refer to a women's camp at Auschwitz again in the
following month's summary report.
The xxx women’s camp remains
stationary at about
6500 because arrivals balance departures. (G.P.D.C: F
A womens camp
is mentioned again in the December summary report and
rather confusingly, reference is also made to a message of
10 December 1942 directing that women should be accounted
for separately.
f) AUSCHWITZ: The numbers rise from 20645 on 17 Dec.(Ed:
Nov?) to 24962 on
15 Dec; half of these numbers are Jews and large numbers
arrive and
depart every day. Both AUSCHWITZ and LUBLIN are
told to report
nos. of escaped Russians, prisoners of war and civilian
men and women, on 10 Dec. (323b1). The BUNA works
return finishes
on 2 Dec; over 2500 prisoners are employed there
The figures for the women’s camp (F3) fall from over
7000 in the
middle of November to 4764 on 9 Dec. and then rises
again to
5231 on 14 Dec. Typhus returns for both camps give
9 women dead
in the week ending 24 Nov., 27 men and 36 women dead in
the week
ending 7 Dec. (307b2,321b18): A few SS cases are
reported (328b3,32).
(F3) in the
above paragraph refers to Auschwitz as being camp code
"F" and "3" is the notation for the second page of
HORHUG inmate tables. Refer to the Radio Call Sign
section below for an explanation of the camp designation
The BP
analysts again mention a womens camp at Auschwitz in the
January 1943 summary report.
(b) The women’s camp also shows
an increase in all its
columns raising the total from 5231 to 8255 on 25th Jan.
It is worth noting that the term "VPA" is also mentioned
in relation to Lublin which also begins recording two
tables of inmate statistics beginning in October
1943. This event at Lublin is referred to in the
monthly summaries as "the new camp".
Two inmate tables are also available for Mauthausen from
September 1942. The inmate tables for Lublin and
Muathausen have not yet been published.
Using the
GPCC Series of Periodic / Monthly Summary Reports to
understand the HORHUG Daily Camp Statistics
It is strongly advised that all of the extracts from
the published periodic summary reports, OS1 to OS7,
are read in their entirety because they contain
decoded instructions to the camps as to the
composition of the various columns of HORHUG inmate
statistics along with the BP analyst's
interpretation of the meaning and use of these
columns and descriptions of their reconciliation
The BP
analsysts also provide informative summaries of the
general GPCC messages, especially with regard to the
concentration camp inmate decodes.
comments regarding important errata and revisions
occuring in previous reports can be found in
subsequent reports.
GPCC series of periodic / monthly summary reports
therefore form an essential guide to the HORHUG
inmate statistics.
The monthly
summary reports provide abundant evidence that the
analysts in Hut 3 devoted a great deal of time and effort
into the complex task of understanding the daily returns
from each camp and into reconciling the increases and
decreases in the number of inmates in the decoded column
data with known movements of inmates between the camps,
mortality, likely causes of death, arrivals and
The decoded messages and their summaries, provide examples
of executions for escape attempts and criminal activity
and also staff disciplinary action and suicide. The
prevalance of disease, chiefly typhus, is well documented
and appears in all seven of the monthly camp summaries
published here. Some figures are provided for deaths
due to typhus, along with corresponding counter measures
such as orders for soap, vaccine and medical supplies.
Typhus graphs are required
from the JAWICHOWICZ camp (281b 34); disin-
fection courses are given to SS. Guards (281b 38);
HINZERT is told that
disinfection apparatus is to be procured from GESTAPO
because the
Concentration camp apparatus is all being used (302b
35); vaccine is
sent to LUBLIN (303b 19); in AUSCHWITZ experiments are
made with the
OBERMAYER Fleckfiebermittel (268b 31) and two officers
from the Kanslei
des Fuehrers are to see the working of
Roentgensterilisation (274b 41)
mittel" translates as: Typhus fever agent /
medium. It is interesting to note the
analyst's inclusion of the reference "Roentgensterilisation",
in the context of typhus.
The shortage of
man power leads to a considerable employment of prisoners
outside as well as inside concentration camps. There
are constant enquiries regarding the skills and trades of
prisoners with evidence of demand for prisoner labour
for armaments works, knife grinding, toy factories
and construction projects such as road building,
quarrying, cement works and cable laying.
Messages describe the available pool of inmate work
experience, along with requirements for specific
skills including watchmakers, bakers, butchers,
bricklayers, clerical workers, carpenters, glass blowers,
musical instrument craftsmen, joiners, tinsmiths,
botanists and horticulturalists. References are made
to the processing of clothing, the industrial use of human
hair and the manufacture of toys.
Message Decode References in the OS1 to
OS7 Summary Reports
The text within the monthly summary reports is heavily
annotated with alpha-numeric references in parentheses
at the end of the summarised statement. These
annotations are the original document codes used by the
Bletchley Park analysts to refer directly to the
corresponding daily message decrypts.
list of the message references used in each of the monthly
summary reports, is included at the top of page 1 in the
In KL FLOSSENBUERG, prisoners who are not fit for
heavier work will be
employed on repair work, and the finishing of children’s
toys. (70/28).
(70/28) is therefore the
reference to be used to look up the corresponding
message among the many pages of daily decoded
messages, within the corresponding TNA HW 16
archive. The message decrypts are filed in
various archival volumes according to date and
The following is an example of a message summary
statement appearing in a monthly summary report,
understanding it's corresponding message reference and
how to locate that message reference in the UK
The message concerns typhus at Auschwitz on 9th June
1942: (113/5)
A message of June 9th. says
that Typhus dominates the camp (113/5)
Use the following procedure as a guide to
locate the German language message decrypt in the UK
National Archives, referenced by (113/5).
Note that the actual archive pieces are unfortunately, not
available online, so a visit to London is required.
The side panel that then appears can be used
to locate the appropriate piece number that carries the
main description of:
Verbatim German language texts issued as BP
daily reports: all messages in GP Code No 3,...
The more expansive description should then be read
to discern the date range of messages included in that
piece, in this case, 9th June 1942.
For a message dated 9th June 1942, TNA
HW 16/19 is the piece which contains the
original German decrypt message because the full
description for HW 16/19 shows that this piece
includes messages for the date range 1942
This is as much as can be achieved
online. The remaining steps can only be done once
the relevant piece has been withdrawn from the archive in
London during a visit.
Using the annotated reference from the summary report
above, in this case, (113/5).
The first number, (113/5)
is used to locate the relevant page in the volume HW
16/19. In this example 113.
Note that the page title in HW16/19, in this case ZIP/GPDD
113/13.6.42, carries the date that the messages
on the summary page were decoded and is not the
transmission / interception date of the messages
listed on that page. The transmission /
interception date appears in the page title / heading
shown below. In this example: 9.6.42
Once the correct page has been located, use the second
number of the message reference from the summary
report, (113/5) to locate
the sequence number of the message on that page. In
this example: 5.
The Bletchley Park transcription of the decoded
original German language message text, will be
recorded against this sequence number as shown below:
document is to receive CX/MSS Security Treatment
4. < message decode text
for previous message >
Es wird
mitgeteilt, daß im hiesigen Lager Fleckfieber herrscht
und ..groups
missed... quarantäne von hier adgehen..goes off..
BODMANN, SS Obersturmführer.
6. < message decode text
for next message >
This message translates as:
To SS Chief Physician.
It is reported that typhus
has broken out in this camp and ... quarantine
would start from here ...
Dr. Von Bodmann, SS
Published Monthly GP Summary
Report Extracts
Selected pages from each of the seven GP monthly
summary reports, OS1 to OS7, which reference
concentration camp messages and the HORHUG inmate
returns, are published for the first time on this
These reports are generally referred to as the GPCC
series: OS1 to OS7 and have been accurately and
faithfully transcribed from the BP originals deposited
in The National Archives (TNA) in London. The full
report references are shown in the following
list. All of the GPCC series of periodic summary
reports can be found within a single physical folder
in TNA Ref: HW 16/65:
Monthly ReportPeriodNo. of pages transcribed & Page Nos. transcribed
ZIP / OS 1 / 21.8.42 1 January to 15 August 1942 14 Page Nos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
The date in the title of each summary report is the date
of that report. Note that there is some
overlap in the reporting periods. Hence "periodic" and not
strictly "monthly".
TNA file HW 16 / 65 actually contains fourteen monthly
summary reports; OS1 to OS14. However, reports OS8 to OS14
unfortunately do not contain any mention of further GPCC
inmate returns. This is because the daily GPCC
camp HORHUG inmate returns are noted to have ceased in the
monthly summary report for February 1943 - OS7. Various
sources state that subsequent HORHUG inmate returns were
sent by courier or by landline. Sources for those
assertions are unknown.
Not all of the pages from the archives for the OS1 to OS7
monthly summaries have been transcribed because the
omitted pages contain summaries of other GP messages not
related to the GPCC HORHUG figures and are therefore
considered irrelevant to the subject of concentration camp
The first monthly summary report, ZIP / OS 1 / 21.8.42,
has been more extensively transcribed to enable the reader
to appreciate the structure of all of the summary reports
and to give a flavour of the other subject matter, not
relating to the concentration camps. Page 1 of each
monthly summary report OS1 to OS7, has been transcribed to
provide proof of the title and archive source as well as
the date range of the GPCC message data summarised.
GPCC Message
Decrypts, Daily Camp Proforma Tables of Inmate
Returns and Monthly Summary Reports in
the UK and US National Archives
The original Bletchley Park German language decrypts, the
monthly proforma sheets of daily inmate HOR-HUG returns
and the GP monthly summary reports have all been publicly
accessible in the UK since their release from GCHQ to The
National Archives (TNA, formerly Public Records Office,
PRO, London) in 1997 and 1998. A substantial
subset of these archives were given to the US authorities
for use in War Crimes investigations and subsequently
released in the US in 1996. The UK archives can be
accessed using the following selected references, with
descriptions provided by The National Archives in
London. This list is not intended to be
comprehensive. Refer to the National Archives
Discovery Catalogue for all of the HW archives inherited
from the GC and CS.
1914-2009 Records created or inherited
by Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ). Records created and inherited by the
Government Code and Cypher School (GCCS) and its
successor the Government Communications
Headquarters (GCHQ) relating to
interception of enemy communications and ensuring
security of government electronic communications.
Daily proforma returns contained in GPCC series monthly
reports, for ten concentration camps, including
Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau, include daily intakes
and deaths
German language texts issued as BP daily reports: all
messages in GP Code No 3, including all intercepted
messages in this code to/from concentration camps
GP Section (GPS) periodic highlights summary reports,
ZIP/OS 1 covers period Jan-Aug 1942, subsequent reports
issued monthly.
Some GC & CS archives are also available in the US at
the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in
College Park, Maryland. References are provided in
"Eavesdropping on Hell – Historical Guide to Western
Communications Intelligence", 2nd Ed., (NSA 2005) -
Chapter 3, Sources of Cryptologic Records Relating to the
Holocaust by Robert J. Hanyok.
Radio Call
Signs, Camp Identification Letters and the Hofle
The GPCC Radio Call
Sign List shows three characters for each of
the concentration camps used to transmit general camp
administration messages including HORHUG type inmate
data. These call signs are listed on page 1 of the
archive folder containing the GPCC HORHUG imate tables in
TNA HW 16 / 10 and their descriptions and camp
assignations are reproduced below.
It is important to understand that for all of the camps
mentioned in the original decrypted GPCC German language
messages, the HORHUG daily inmate proforma tables and the
GPCC monthly summaries, the last character of the
concentration camp radio call sign was used consistently
to identify each camp, rather than the first character of
the camp name. [14]
Uniquely in the Hofle Telegram decode, the first character
of the establishment name was used to identify Belzec (B),
Sobibor (S), Treblinka (T) and Lublin-Madjanek (L).
Based on current examination and understanding of the
available archives in London, no other decoded messages
relating to either, inmate statistics or more general GP
messages, have so far been located which use the first
letter of the camp name as an identifying letter for that
With the exception of the, as yet unpublished, daily
inmate statistics for January 1942 to January 1943 from
the establishment at Lublin, GPCC:J, designated radio call
sign OMJ, it can also be stated that there are no monthly
proforma tables of any daily inmate returns for Belzec(B),
Sobibor(S) or Treblinka(T) in arhive HW 16/10.
Neither Belzec, Sobibor or Treblinka are mentioned in any
of the periodic summary reports in archive HW 16/65.
Likewise for the terms Majdanek and Chelmno.
Although the entire message archive has not yet been
examined, it is currently assumed that, with the exception
of the establishment at Lublin, as there are no mentions
of these establishments in any of the summary documents,
then it is unlikely that any GPCC HORHUG type inmate
returns exist in the original message decode archives for
the Action Reinhard camps.
More general GP messages do exist in the archives relating
to various personnel associated with Action Reinhard and
are referenced in an article at
It is unknown if Chelmno, Madjanek, Belzec, Sobibor and
Treblinka were assigned their own radio call signs,
because these specific camps are also not listed in any of
the radio call sign lists.
Another potential confusion exists for the radio call sign
used in the Hofle Telegram to denote both messages as
originating from Lublin as OMQ.
The above GPCC radio call sign list, used for the daily
HOR-HUG inmate returns and general administration
messages, shows Lublin as OMJ. The ORANGE Call
Sign List in archive TNA 16/2, shows POTSDAM as
OMQ. Alternatively, OMQ is assigned to Lublin in the
Wireless Traffic extract of a monthly summary report shown
The Wireless Traffic section explains that several
important stations use more than one frequency, therefore
this may inform understanding of the two different calls
signs, OMJ and OMQ being assigned to Lublin for different
purposes The GPCC call sign for Lublin OMJ is
certainly used as the "GPCC: J" heading on the HORHUG
inmate tables in archives HW 16/10, and therefore relates
to concentration camp inmate figures for the establishment
at Lublin.
The OMQ call sign is described below as being used for
administrative messages emanting from SS. Police Fuhrers
etc., and therefore seems to have been used as the call
sign for the central administrative entity at Lublin as
distinct from the concentration camp establishment(s) at
Lublin which used radio call sign OMJ for GPCC type
messages. Nothing so far explains the OMQ call sign
also appearing in the ORANGE Call Sign List for POTSDAM.
On present
understanding, this indicates that the Hofle message was
likely transmitted on the 4906 frequency using an Enigma
cypher, assigned to the ORANGE I covername series of keys,
described by Hinsley as General Purpose SS keys.
The call sign destinations shown in the
Hofle message decodes are, OMX for BERLIN and OLQ for
KRAKAU. Radio call sign OLQ appears in the ORANGE call
sign list as DRESDEN not KRAKAU as shown in the
Hofle Telegram. The ORANGE Call Sign List shows call
sign OLL designated as the "CRACOW area ??".
However, contradicting the above, The History of Hut 6,
page 4 confirms OLQ for KRAKAU as follows:
But the most famous of all Orange cribs were the Weather
messages from Krakau (OLQ).
It may well be the case that one or more of these call
sign lists contains errors or may contain out of date and
/ or redundant information. It seems unlikely that
call signs may have been reassigned, although this
possibility cannot be ruled out. It is certain that
different call signs from the same location were used for
different purposes, using different radio frequencies and
/ or cypher systems for messages sent from the same
location. Lublin for example, sent HORHUG inmate
returns using GPCC call sign OMJ and also used OMQ for
Orange type Enigma messages for other matters.
The final
mention of Einstaz Reinhardt in the summary reports occurs
as the last paragraph of the Concentration Camps section
on page 4 of the GP
Monthly Summary Report ZIP/ OS 7 / 27.2.43.
a) 4152 Frequency: The call signs of
stations working on this
frequency are OMA, OMB, OMC, OMD, OME, OMF, OMG, OMH,
OMX, OMZ(CQ). Of these OMA is
ORANIENSBURG and controls the
concentration camps (see Para: III), which use OMB, OMC,
OMG, OMI, and OMJ. KL.
Stutthof, whose call sign is OLL, normally works
on another frequency, but messages originating from OLL
and OLU (Vienna)
or destined for OLL and OLU are occasionally relayed on
this frequency.
OMZ is a CQ call sign covering all the concentration
camps. OMX, OMH,
OML, OMR and OMS work occasionally on this frequency.
. . .
b) Other frequencies:
Several other frequencies are used and several
important stations use more than one frequency; the
following notes are
therefore classified under call signs rather than under
frequencies. The
stations dealt with are the OL group and stations of the
most important
operational units. The August traffic for
which decodes are not yet
available have been analysed in some detail. (1)The OL Group. (Frequency 4906)
Most of these stations have been
located in Germany and the occupied countries, going as
far west as METZ and
as far east as KRAKAU. OMX (Berlin), OMK
(Debica) OMQ (Lublin) etc. also
belong to this group. The messages can be
generally classed as
administrative and come for the most part from
SS.v.Pol.Führers, Pol.
Gerichten, Ergänzungsletten, Oberabschnitten, but also
from Depot and
Trng. units (OLP and OLV are reserved for special
GPCC Call SignConcentration Camp NameCamp Code
Thus the
examples of: GPCC:F in the monthly summary reports relates
Certain camps are designated as the controlling camp for
other, sub-camps and some radio call signs are used for
more than one camp. For example:
The concentration camps mentioned in the OS1 to OS7
monthly GP summaries are "all controlled by ORANIENBURG –
OMA, but uses call sign OMZ when calling other camps."
[16] and "GUSEN uses the same call sign and may be
controlled by MAUTHAUSEN – OMC."[17]
In addition to the summary list of camp radio call signs
provided above, additional call signs, identified as
various establishments and units, can also be found in the
summaries [18], such as:
Bletchely Park (BP), Hut 5, Hut 6, Hut 3, The Age of
Orange and GPCC / HOR-HUG
Many detailed books have been written about the activities
of the wartime code breakers at Bletchley Park (BP), so
only a brief overview is here required in order to
illustrate some of the history, terminology and procedures
used in the interception and analysis of wireless
telegraphy message traffic used to compile the daily
proforma tables of inmate data and the monthly
intelligence summary reports of the German Police
Concentration Camp (GPCC) vital statistics.
From the
early days the Military Section in Hut 5 at BP had
been reading the German Police codes. In
December 1940 a party from BP had joined a French team
at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre on the Marne for work on the
police codes. The fall of France had led to a
significant loss of intercept capability of the German
police signals, though BP continued to break a
considerable number of the German police messages,
which were largely enciphered in a double
transposition hand-cypher. (The Gestapo arm of
the Police used an Enigma key, called TGD by BP which
they never broke. According to the Official Historian
its non-solution is “to this day one of the classic
mysteries of Hut 6”. But BP had been reading the SS
Enigma key, Orange, used for general administration
purposes including the concentration camps, since
December 1940; the concentration camp death-returns
became such a regular feature that BP used them as a
crib for breaking Orange). With the invasion of Russia
more police signals were received on better
frequencies for interception and the Germans
introduced a new hand cypher key that was soon broken
by BP. So from July 1941 onwards John Tiltman’s
military section was reading a considerable number of
messages from the German police in Russia. On the 18th
July they read a police message reporting that 1,153
“Jewish plunderers” had been shot. There followed a
regular flood of messages enumerating the shooting of
Jews and partisans. Tiltman’s section began
sending reports on these atrocities to MI14, the
research section of Whitehall’s Military Intelligence
service. There was very little interest shown so BP
gave up sending the regular messages on the execution
of the Jews, though Churchill himself did respond in
August in a characteristic manner. (There was one
response from a pedantic Colonel in MI14, restricted
to pointing out that BP was mixing together the
statistics from” two entirely different parts of the
German police service”). But throughout the war BP
continued to produce weekly summaries of police
operations behind the Russian front. The work at BP on
the Police cyphers used some 500 people by the peak in
the summer of 1944. One reason for maintaining this
large effort was that the material often provided
cribs for breaking Enigma keys. Another was that the
type of hand-cyphers used by the Police was very
similar to that used for the field communications of
the German Army and Air Force and as a fall-back
reserve when Enigma was unusable at times of crisis as
happened in Russia and then in Europe in 1944.
It came to be appreciated that this team at BP
provided excellent training for new cryptographers
before they transferred to work in the field.
Whether it really was sensible to employ so many
people on such relatively unimportant work must remain
a matter for argument.
Codebreaking: Hut 6 and Orange GPCC HOR-HUG Reports
The “History of Hut 6 in Three Volumes”[20], written in
September 1945 and “The Hut Six Story – Breaking the
Enigma Codes” by Gordon Welchman and “Life in and out of
Hut 3”, by William Millward, are among the books which
provide the relevant histories of these activities at
Bletchley Park (BP). The Hut 6 function, known as
the Cryptanalysis of Army and Air Force Enigma, was the
centre of Bletchley Park’s Enigma operations. Hut 6 became
involved with non-Enigma GPCC messages when they were
passed to them by the German Police Code section in Hut
5’s Military Intelligence, in the hope that they would
correlate or assist with the Enigma decrypt effort and
intelligence analysis. This proved to be the case as
some of the repetitive sequences used in the GPCC
messages, were used as cribs for other SS Enigma messages.
The success of the Enigma cryptanalysts work at BP relied
on the identification of “keys” that were allotted to the
various German Service Units. Each unit would use
their series of keys to encrypt their transmissions.
Once a key had been “attacked” and indentified at BP, the
resulting series of decrypts were eventually assigned to a
code name group. These code name groups or
“covernames” were drawn from a naming system based on
distinct groups such as, colours, insects, flowers, birds,
fish, vegetables and so on. [21]
A number of successful cypher key attacks yielded a series
of keys which were assigned to the covername "Orange"
originally assigned to the "colour series" used to
categorise SS Enigma cyphers. As other SS keys were
subsequently attacked and broken, Orange became considered
as part of the "fruit" series, preceding others such as
Quince, Medlar and Apple. The “Orange I” key series
was identified as a “general purpose SS key”. Orange II
keys followed and were used mainly between Berlin and the
SS divisions in the field. Orange III keys were the
last of this series and were identified as the SS. Kav.
Div keys. As an example, the origin of the use of
the “colour” series of cypher keys for the German Air
Force, G.A.F is described as follows: [22]
3.930 The Early Years
In the early days of Hut 6 the
number of Air and Army groups intercepted was so
small that the provision of English covernames was a
very minor problem. As soon as the continuity of
a group was established it was named after a colour;
thus the G.A.F groups in December 1939 , were
Red and Blue, the Army Group, Green. Colour
names were chosen because messages could then be
identified by marking them with correct coloured
pencil. Before a definite long-term continuity
had been established groups were distinguished by
frequency names, e.g. E/4700 Group, E/5420 Group.
G.A.F = German Air Force)
Hinsley describes the SS use of Enigma and their “general
administrative” Orange I & II cypher keys, thus: [23]
"The SS, the elite troops of the
Nazi Part’s private army, also made use of the Enigma
machine. An SS Enigma key (called Orange I at GC
and CS) used for general administrative matters,
including the organization of concentration camps, was
broken in December 1940, and read, with many ups and
down, until late in the war. Another key, Orange
II, which carried mainly administrative communications
between Berlin and SS formations in operational areas,
was broken from early 1942 until it was replaced by
another key – Quince – later in the same year."
The interception of these SS Enigma messages, encrypted
using their “Orange I” keys, was the result of a new
frequency, 4152, being identified for their
transmission. In February 1942 this new traffic led
to the decoding of the new Orange I SS cyphers. The Hut 6
activity and the subsequent analysis of this traffic was
described in September 1946 as follows:[24]
HOR-HUG Reports. The contents
of 4152 Orange dealt with some of the concentration
camps that have since attained notoriety, (such as
Auschwitz, Dachau, Oranienburg), and the next
sensational advance in S.S. cryptography was also
connected with this frequency. For several
months a number of non-enigma messages had been sent
out from some six or seven stations to Berlin early in
the morning – in fact between 7 and 8 a.m. These
messages were eventually passed on to us as it was
thought they might tie up in some way with the Enigma
traffic. Inspection revealed the following
characteristics. The messages, known as HOR-HUG
reports from two frequently occurring code groups,
were short, consisting of about ten groups of letters,
followed by a few more or less invariable code
groups. In the message proper the number of
letters in any group never exceeded four, and on any
one day only ten different letters were used.
The last point strongly suggested a figure code and on
this hypothesis one day’s traffic was broken early in
April 1942. The messages contained in
tabular form the vital statistics of concentration
camps: the first four columns denoted (A) number of
inmates at start of previous day, (B) new arrivals,
(C) departures by any means, (D) number at end of
day. Thus A+B-C=D, and for any station D on
one day was A on the next.
The decoded
inmate statistics of the daily returns from each
concentration camp, known as the GPCC HOR-HUG reports,
expanded over time from the initial four columns.
These daily figures were then compiled onto monthly sheets
for each camp. All GPCC messages, including the
HOR-HUG returns, were then passed to the analysts in Hut 3
which provided the Intelligence: Translation and Analysis
of Army and Air Force decrypts function. Various
summary reports were passed to Governement departements in
Whitehall, with additional daily and weekly summaries to
the Head of Military Intelligence, “C” and the Prime
Minister. The analysts also produced monthly
intelligence summary reports, extracts of which are
published here, including summaries of these GPCC daily
HOR-HUG camp statistics.
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