16/10: WW2 Decrypts - Bletchley Park: German Police Concentration Camp: GPCC Series Periodic Summary Report: ZIP / OS6 / 28.1.43 |
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O S T S E C R E T.For Information only. The Contents of this document may not be disclosed to anyone other than a duly authorised recipient. No extract from, summary of or reference to its contents maybe made except under such conditions as may be generally or specially approved by the Director, Government Code and Cypher School. ___________________________________________________________________________ THIS DOCUMENT IS TO RECEIVE CX/MSS SECURITY TREATMENT GPDD No’s.:- 324d, 325d, 326d, 327d, 330d, 332d, 334d, 335a, 335b, 335d, 342a, 343a, 343b, 343d, 344a, 344b, 346a, 346b, 348a, 348b, 349a, 349b, 352d, 353a, 353b, 353d, 355a, 355b, 355d, 356a, 356b, 356d, 357d, 358a, 358b, 358d, 359a, 359b, 360a, 360b, 360d, 363a, 363b, 364a, 364b, 365a, 365b, 366a 366b, 366d, 367a, 367b, 368d. ___________________________________________________________________________ Covering material received between 21st. December 1942 and 25th January 1943. S U M M A R Y I. The Waffen SS. II. Concentration Camps. III. Miscellaneous. GENERAL: The Pz. Korps with the Adolf Hitler and Reich divisions have left France for the STALINO area; Totenkopf is to follow. Two new divisions are forming in France. The Wiking was last heard of at PROLETARSKAJA. The recruit depot at DEBICA has been re-opened and is running at full strength; manpower is in part provided by a comb-out of concentration camp guards, substitutes for whom are being drawn from the Volksdeutsche in SLOWAKIA. Evidence is given of the use of Concentration Camp prisoners in war industries, particularly at SACHSENHAUSEN, and many Poles are shortly to be dispatched from AUSCHWITZ to work in other camps. ---------------------- DISTRIBUTION LIST: 1. M.I. 14(d). 2. Major Leathem. 3. Squadron Leader Oeser. 4. Wing Commander Jones. 5. B.P.I.E. 6. Lt. Col. Lithgow 7. File. 8. File (Mr. F.L. Lucas Esq. Hut 3) 9. Col. Hatton Hall. 10. Spare. ZIP/OS
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M O S T S E C R E T. For Information only. The Contents of this document may not be disclosed to anyone other than a duly authorised recipient. No extract from, summary of or reference to its contents maybe made except under such conditions as may be generally or specially approved by the Director, Government Code and Cypher School. ___________________________________________________________________________ THIS DOCUMENT IS TO RECEIVE CX/MSS SECURITY TREATMENT II Concentration Camps. (a) General. The comb-out of guards for the front foreseen in December is taking place and a more detailed return of men with front service has been demanded (355b2,14; 356b17). The substitutes for the men sent to the front are provided in two ways: (1) SS. Inf. Ers. Batl. Ost provided on 13 Jan. 500 fit men with 6/12 weeks training (355b1) as substitutes. (It is interesting that the return of fit guards in BUCHENWALD only gave 47 fit men – 356b39,of,10) (2) 1200 Volksdeutsche from Croatia are on the same day sent to the Concentration Camps for 6 weeks training, after which an equivalent number of fit guards of the 1908 and younger classes will be given up to field units; the numbers of Volksdeutsche sent to the different camp agree with the numbers requested by the camps themselves; it is not however clear why BUCHENWALD actually receives 250 instead of 50 (355b10; 349b2,4,6; 348b31; 365b20). Figures for guards in Concentration Camps in the GPCC figures (4 and 5) show no change for DACHAU, NIEDERHAGEN and LUBLIN; MAUTHAUSEN switches 300 guards to GUSEN between 8 and 12 Jan.; BUCHENWALD shows a slight drop; FLOSSENBUERG drops 70 between 19 and 22 Jan.; AUSCHWITZ (b) vanishes and the Kdtr. Stab rises from 221 on 29 Dec. to 410 on 5 Jan.; Canteen fund returns of 5 Jan. for BUCHENWALD, AUSCHWITZ, and FLOSSENBUERG (348b5:349b1,12) agree in the main with the GPCC figures; the BUCHENWALD figure is expressly stated to include the Training Coy. which may be the third column of 81 in the GPCC figures; if this is so, it is probable that the absence of a column for the Training Coy. In the GPCC figures for AUSCHWITZ accounts for the discrepancy of 90 between the GPCC figures and the Canteen fund figures. Besides returns of guards, detailed returns of prisoners are demanded, e.g. all escaped prisoners and whether still at large, numbers of prisoners in protective custody and how many have died, numbers of prisoners that have entered concentration camps, including those since closed down, since 1933, divided into different nationalities and Jews, and the Jews subdivided again into nationalities (355b17, 360b25, 358b13, 366b2) The only new figures however which have left a trace on our records are the prisoners taken into protective custody into various camps and the suspected partisans (Polish) in the LUBLIN camp (335b7, 364b5), both of which appear as new columns in the GPCC figures. (b) DACHAU (GPCC.B.1) shows a total increase of 1000 since mid-December, which is not accounted for in any of the other recorded figures and therefore probably consists of Russian civilian workers. Prisoners in protective custody appear for the first time in January – 55 rising to 68 on 18 Jan. (c) MAUTHAUSEN and GUSEN. (GPCC.C.1 and 2). MAUTHAUSEN increases from the low figure of 5951 on 16 Dec. to 7546 on 25th January. Jews decrease from 90 to 36. Poles increase from 633 to 834. Prisoners in protective custody fluctuate; as in the previous month, a large number of these are apparently transferred to GUSEN (figures of 14 Jan.). GUSEN rises to a maximum of 7568 on 14 Jan. and drops again to 7061 on 25 Jan.; the chief fluctuations are in the protective custody column. (d) BUCHENWALD (GPCC.D). The total increases from 9022 on 16 Dec. to 10913 on 25 Jan. The figures for political prisoners and Poles show an increase; the figures for preventative custody rise from 207 on 2 Jan. to 370 on 25 Jan. Of the 523 Russian P/W present on 31 Dec. 451 are capable of work (344b8). On 4th January 100 prisoners are transferred to SACHSENHAUSN. (384b39). (e) FLOSSENBUERG (GPCC.E). The total rises from 3574 on 15 Dec. to 4121 on 25 Jan. and the camp can take a total of 5000. (364b7). There is a very marked increase in the number of Poles, from 476 to 840. 50 women are included in the January returns. They are probably working at the porcelain works at NEUROHLAU (360b20,22; 363b1). The question of a gang for the Messerschmitt ZIP/OS
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works is also discussed and 100 workers may be sent elsewhere (356b11,24) (f) AUSCHWITZ. (GPCC.F.1) and 3) (a) The men’s camp increases from 24962 on 15 Dec. to 28350 on 25 Jan. The Jews decrease from 12360 to 11332; the Poles increase from 8904 to 12646; prisoners in preventative custody jump to 1456 on 20 Jan. 6000 Poles are to be quarantined so that they can be sent to other camps early in February: (356b5). The Bunawerk is still employing 2210 men of whom 1100 are on actual work (364b24). Jewish watchmakers are sent to SACHSENHASUEN where they are urgently needed (359b25; 356b1). Typhus cases continue to be reported although strenuous measures have been adopted and 36 cases were found among the new batch of prisoners on 22 Jan. (360b4, 367b6; 36634; 363b12.) (b) The women’s camp also shows an increase in all its columns raising the total from 5231 to 8255 on 25th Jan. (i) NIEDERHAGEN. (GPCC.I) The total increases from 781 to 1235 on 14th Jan., falls to 869 and rises again to 1191. The increase is in Soviet civilians and Poles, the fall is caused by the moving of 350 Russian civilians to SACHSENHAUSEN (356b32). The departures in December are almost entirely covered by 113 deaths (348b45.) (j) LUBLIN. (GPCC:J 1 and 5) One camp shows a large decrease from 6856 to 4284, and the other remains steady at about 2500. That typhus is partly responsible for the decrease seems likely from the facts quoted last month; and on 5 Jan. an urgent request is made to other camps for washing apparatus, lack of which has caused the typhus epidemic (349b5.) The decrease in the first camp is in Jews which more than offsets an increase of Poles, who, having fallen to 579 on 11 Jan., rise to 1140 on the 12th; on the 21st a new column takes off 191 of the Polish prisoners; The message (354b51) proves that this column is for “suspected partisans”, who are therefore Polish. On the same day a new column also appears in the second camp; it is therefore certain that the fifth column in the GPCC.J.3. figures contains Poles and probable that the fourth contains Jews. ZIP/OS
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M O S T S E C R E T. For Information only. The Contents of this document may not be disclosed to anyone other than a duly authorised recipient. No extract from, summary of or reference to its contents maybe made except under such conditions as may be generally or specially approved by the Director, Government Code and Cypher School. ___________________________________________________________________________ THIS DOCUMENT IS TO RECEIVE CX/MSS SECURITY TREATMENT III Miscellaneous. (a) Labour. The Dutchmen at DNIIEPROPETROWSK, who were described last month as preferable to Italians, are now said to be unwilling, idle, and addicted to sabotage and desertion (335d32). 253 of them were sent to MAIKOP before 11 Jan. (355d12) and the HSSuPf. Kaukasien duly apprised of their character- istics. (GPD.1232K3) (b) Transport. Difficulties continue. A transport for SS. Wirtschafter Bei HSSuPf. Kaukasien will have to be unloaded at LUBLIN, and await a new Fahrtur. (327b26). Transports for Div. Wiking were misdirected (327b33,35). One transport only reached LEMBERG where it was split up into small parties all of which did not arrive. (334d22) On 19 Jan. leave trains returning to the Eastern front are to be stopped and the men held back at KRAKAU. (363a33) (c) Supplies. Div. Wiking is till without large amount of supplies requested in September and October. (324d16/17). SS. Kav.Div. repeats request that 600 pairs of felt boots be dropped. This supply by air had been refused by Heeresgruppe Mitte (324d33) cf: 325d43. Oberfuehrer MARTIN, Nachschub Kommandantur Russland Mitte, says the Lettenkomp. cannot go on duty in present weather conditions owing to lack of footgear and asks for 180 pairs of boots urgently (352d54).??? The falling temperature also causes MARTIN to ask SS. RHA to release 100 O.T stoves as it is no longer possible to hear the huts with the small stoves for dugouts. (360d24) (d) Pillage in the Ukraine. Nachschubkdtr at DNIIEPROPETROWSK is asked urgently for 8 N.C.O’s and men as those they have are on duty day and night. The Russian soldiers are plundering the District of food, cattle, hay and seeds necessitating the posting of at least one man in every parish. (358d10) (e) War Economy. LIEBEHENSCHEL asks KL. Mauthausen and KL. Flossenbuerg for a reply concerning the further use of sewage water fat from the Waffen SS Barracks and concentration camps (363b15). HINZERT collected 2 Kgs. human hair in December (348b14). (f) January 30th TERBOVEN is told the Fuehrer has ruled that in the Reich Jan. 30th will not be a holiday and flags will not be flown. Therefore the special measures TERBOVEN had planned are cancelled. (367a2.) (g) Norway. The Reichskommissar has refused to allow a conference of the Germanische Landdienst or the recruiting of 200 men for a Ski camp. Instead a Wehrertuechtigungslager for 17 yr. olds is proposed as a means of producing volunteers for the Waffen SS. (h) A.A Courses. The Luftwaffe is holding training courses for members of the Flakwaffe in the first quarter of 1943. SS. Pz. Gren. Div. “Wiking” is urged to take full advantage of this opportunity as new units with special weapons will be formed in the very near future. (356d9-15). (i) Einsatz REINHARDT. SS und Pol.fuehrer LUBLIN sends the Befehlshaber der Sipo KRAKAU a report on Einsatz REINHARDT for the 14 days up to 31.1.42. Increase to 31.12.42: L12761, B 0, S515, T 10335, altogether 23611. Totals on 31.12.42: L24733, B 434508, S 101370, T 71355: altogether 1274166 (355a 13). |