16/10: WW2 Decrypts - Bletchley Park: German Police Concentration Camp: GPCC Series Periodic Summary Report: ZIP / OS1 / 21.8.42 |
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M O S T S E C R E T.======================= TO BE KEPT UNDER LOCK AND KEY. NEVER TO BE REMOVED FROM THE OFFICE. ====================================================================== THIS DOCUMENT IS TO RECEIVE CX/MSS SECURITY TREATMENT. IF FUTURE CIRCULATION IS NECESSARY, IT MUST BE PARAPHRASED, SO THAT NEITHER THE SOURCE OF THE INFORMATION NOR THE MEANS BY WHICH IT HAS BEEN OBTAINED IS APPARENT. +++++ G.P.D’s Nos. 747 – 772 (excluding 749, 750, 754, 757, 758, 759, 760, 762, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 771). GPDD Nos. 1 to 194 (excluding 59 – 65, 85, 105, 116, 141.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Covering the period 1 Jan. 1942 – 15 August, 1942) S U M M A R Y I. Personalities involved. II. The Waffren SS. 1. Divisions. 2. Brigades. 3. Regiments. 4. Recruiting of the Waffen SS. 5. Ersatz and Training Units. 6. Schools. 7. Courses. 8. Other Waffen SS and SS Units. 9. Inspectorates, Amts and Abteilungs. III Concentration Camps. IV Supplies. V Labour and Industry VI Norway VII Miscellaneous VIII W.T.Traffic. No.3. Traffic, besides a considerable amount of miscellaneous information, gives details of the organization and operations of the Waffen SS. The organization of both the Leib- standarte Adolf Hitler and of the Division Wiking show considerable variation from the normal organization of the motorised division. During the period covered the L SS AH has been reformed and has Moved from Russia to France; the Wiking has received large re- inforcements and has probably moved: the Reich has been reformed and has also moved; and at the beginning of August the call sign of the new division Prinz Eugen has come up frequently. No.3. Traffic also produces information about eleven Concentration Camps and detailed figures for the inmates of eight of them. DISTRIBUTION LIST :- 1. M.I.14(d) 2. B.P.I.E 3. Spare ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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I PERSONALITIES INVOLVED VON BEHR, Brigadefuehrer and General Major, is attached to SS Kdtur. WIEN, 20.6.42 (132/30,33). DR. BELL, Obersturmfuehrer and Adjutant, 2. Inf. Brig. DR. BLIES, Obersturmfuehrer, is Brig. Arzt. 2. Inf. Brig. DR. BLUMENREUTHER, Oberfuehrer – FHA San. Amt. BERLIN BITTRICH, Brigadefuehrer and Gen. Major, SS Kav.Brig. BURK, Standartenfuehrer, 2. Inf. Brig. recommends KLINGEMANN on 17.7.42 for award of Ritterkreuz. CAESAR, Oberfuehrer, is concerned with agriculture; his messages deal with supplies of cattle, potatoes etc. DR. CURTIUS, Obersturmbannfuehrer and B.V. to SS. To end of May his messages deal with training, transport and transfer of recruits. From the end of May he is entirely con- cerned with the transport of men and supplies to Russland Nord and Mitte and on July 27th he is in BOBRUISK. DIETRICH, Obergruppenfuehrer, in command of L SS AH, celebrates his 50th birthday at the end of May (89/26). On July 11th he is apparently in BERLIN and instructs KEILHAUS to cancel leave in L SS AH. ECKERT, Obersturmfuehrer, deals with establishment of Wireless Stations and supplies of W/T equipment in Russland Mitte. FEGELEIN, Standartenfuehrer, SS Kav. Brig. Receives on Jan.18th a message from HIMMLER with award of Ritterkreuz. On March 6th he is in conference with JUETTNER. On March 12th he travels to BERLIN. He is still in BERLIN at the end of JUNE and appears to deal mostly with training. GLUECKS, Brigadefuehrer and General Major, attached to Amtsgruppe ORANIENBURG, which controls all concentration camps. His messages to KL’s MAUTHAUSEN, AUSCHWITZ, FLOSSENBUERG, NIEDER- HAGEN, DACHAU, BUCHENWALD, deal with the following matters: Daily reports on number of prisoners. Half-yearly reports. Enquiries on individual prisoners. Transfer and promotion of SS Kl. Personnel. Trade requirements of various camps. Transfer of active Fuehrers from KL’s to the front (60/21) and of agriculture workers among SS Reserve to agricultural centres. (171/15) HAAS (Adolf), Haupsturmfuehrer, Kommandant KL NIEDERHAGEN. His messages to ORANIENBURG deal with routine camp administration. HADRATH, Obersturmfuehrer, Signals Officer, is with “WIKING” until the beginning of July, when he appears to transfer to Leitstab SPORN; at the end of the month he is attached to Nachschub Kdtr. Russland Mitte. HANSEN, Gruppenfuehrer and Gen.Ltnt. (mentioned as Brigadefuehrer in one message of 16.7.42) is Inspekteur der Flak Artillerie. He meets KRUEGER, KAMMLER and VOSS in DEBICA on July 17th (178/52). He is required on July 15th to stiffen up Flandern and Niederlande Legions with Artillery instructors (164/17). ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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HARBAUM, Hauptsturmfuehrer, ORANIENBURG, His messages to all KL’s are entirely concerned with the control of SS personnel (transfers, leave new recruits from Rekrutendepot, discharges etc.). No concern with prisoners. HARTENSTEIN, Brigadefuehrer and Gen. Major in Command 1. SS Inf. Brig. meets KNOBLAUCH in KURSK on May 7th; he is in NUERNBERG middle July. HIMMLER, On 4.3.42 in a message to DIETRICH he states that VON NAUMANN is thoroughly unfit for active service; he has persuaded him that GOEBBELS wants him and he can do useful work at the Ministry of Propaganda. (16/12). On 6.3.42 from Sonderzug HEINRICH he sends congratulations to FEGELEIN on award of Ritterkreuz (18/1). On 6.7.42 he tells STEINER that Div. “WIKING” cannot have a Kraftfahrrad Schuetzkomp., but the Fuehrer will agree to a Sturmgeschuetz Batterie. (155/1). On 12.5.42, he reprimands DIETRICH in strong terms. “In direct contravention” of his orders, DIETRICH has apparent- ly equipped a Pol.Batl. sent to relieve the division with Leibstandartex uniform. The transfer of two further batls. is cancelled until order has been obeyed and Pol.Batl. in question is again clothed in police uniform. (158/8) HILDEBRANDT, Obergruppenfuehrer, Gen. der Pol. DANZIG. Answers a request from BERLIN regarding drivers for L SS AH. (134/55). Requests for security purposes 2 machine pistols and 3 revolvers (129/56). HOESS, Sturmbannfuehrer, Kommandant KL Auschwitz. His messages Cover Admin. matters. JUETTNER, Gruppenfuehrer and Gen. Ltnt. Appears to control movements of men in Russland Nord; Units concerned are L SS AH, SS Kav. Brig. “WIKING”, Rekrutendepot DEBICA, Truppenuebungsplatz DEBICA. KAMMLER, Dr. Inf., Brigadefuehrer and Gen. Major, Amtsgruppe C. Controls building and engineering works for important plumbing installation, and he will personally inspect the work (68/31, 125/2, 125/6, 142/6). He attends to the repair of the chimney of crematorium in KL. AUSCHWITZ (109/9). He is in charge of the building of NAPOLA NORWEGEN (55/30). He meets KRUEGER AND HANSEN in DEBICA on July 16th. (178/52). KLINGEMANN, Brigadefuehrer and Gen. Major in command 2. Inf. Brig. sends messages to Chief of Staff, HAMBURG. On May 12th he states that a strong Dutch tone in the Brigade is not advisable (55/53); he reports on the movements of the Brigade (156/40, 178/3); on July 15th he requests the re-conditioning of heavy battery (164/9) and artillery men as training force and backbone (164/27). His leadership in action is praised by Standartenfuehrer BURK who recommends him for award of Ritterkreuz. (167/33). KNOBLAUCH, Gruppenfuehrer and Gen.ltnt. meets Brigadfuehrer HARTENSTEIN in KURSK on May 7th. KRUEGER, Gruppenfuehrer and Gen. der Pol. Is in touch with STEINER (WIKING) regarding Panzer Abt. (12/10), 748/20). He is in conference with KAMMLER and HANSEN in DEBICA on July 16th. (178/52). ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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KUENSTLER, Obersturmbannfuehrer, Kommandant KL. FLOSSENBUERG. His messages to ORANIENBURG reveal particularly sinister conditions in FLO. Within the period May 9th to July 7th he reports: 1 suicide of SS Schuetz (61/7). 8 shootings of prisoners on “Fluchtversuch” (60/2,70/20), (76/8, 92/20, 92/26, 96,27, 104/31, 126/7). 7 deaths of prisoners due to “heart failure” on the same date. (93/5,7,8,9,11,12,15). LIEBEHENSCHEL, Obersturmbannfuehrer, Chef des Zentralamtes (Staendigervertreter des Leiters der Dienststelle, Im Range eines Generalltnts. der Waffen SS) is attached to Amtsgruppe ORANIENBURG and deals with daily reports on strength of prisoners in KL’s. (115/21). Monthly report on number of Russian P.O.W’s in KL. MAUTHAUSEN. Reports and instructions on executions of prisoners. Confidential reports on SS KL. personnel. Transfer of personnel to the front (80/7, 75/17). Supplies, trade requirements. Incorporation of Volksdeutsche and German volunteers in KL. guards (72/26, 95/57, 92/61). Occupation of Jews fit to work in camps. He arranges meetings of KL. Commandants. DR. LOLLING, Obersturmbannfuehrer, in charge of KL. San. personnel. NOSTITZ, Standartenfuehrer, appointed Kdt. SS Truppenuebungsplatz DEBICA on June 16th. (129/55). VON MALSEN, Freiherr, Brigadefuehrer, is mentioned in message of 27.6.42 (144/35) as Pol.Praes. POSEN. MARTIN, Standartenfuehrer and Kdt. Attached to Hq. BERLIN as T.O. and about July 20th detached as Kdt. Nachschub Kdtr. Russland Mitte. VON OBERKAMP, Oberfuehrer, (WIKING) reports casualties in division. (755,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16. 748/1,2,3,14). PRUETZMANN is mentioned once in a message concerning documents to be procured in KOENIGSBERG (29/24). SANSONI, Obersturmbannfuehrer, controls SS Signals personnel. SCHLOTTER, Haupsturmfuehrer, attached to N.E.A. STEINER, Gruppenfuehrer (WIKING), is on friendly terms with both HITLER and HIMMLER. On March 22nd in a message to HITLER reporting on action and recommending officer for Ritter- kreuz, he thanks the Fuehrer for his solicitude and for having brought about these great days (22/38). On July 6th HIMMLER asks S. wether the 100 Flemish for Regt. LANGE- MARCK have left. (155/31). On July 17th S. reports to HIMMLER that in certain circumstances fighting groups might be detached from the division and that in the case of the Panzer Abt. with only 4 Panzer this would be a dangerous move. STEINER is in constant contact with SPORN (44/2, 71/17, 78/11, 122/4, 134/33). SPORN, Sturmbannfuehrer, Leitstab, KRAKAU, T.O., co-ordinates transport in his area, supplies motorised equipment to Div. “WIKING”. On May 23rd STEINER appeals to him for a motorised Company for Regt. WESTLAND (78/11); he discusses the matter in BERLIN on May 26th (83/39). He travels again to BERLIN in June to deal with the question of motorised equipment for the division. (103/11). ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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TOP TWO THIRDS OF PAGE 5 NOT TRANSCRIBED D.II Appears to be Personnel. One message deals with the granting of compassionate leave (24/1,2). Another with Haeftlings-arbeiter for the GUSTLOFF works (60/8,9), a third is concerned with a conference of Einsatzfuehrers (87/19,20) while a fourth reports the presence in KL of a glass instrument maker. (169/3,4). D.III Medical Supplies and Personnel. A camp doctor is to report to DR. LOLLING (2/22), a Standortarzt requires a locum (61/4). Medical supplies, medicines and soap are mentioned in (66/39,40), the need for 300 packages of bandages is dealt with (138/1) while there is also a request for material to disinfect a whole camp. (174/15). D.IV Quartermasters. A camp sends a report on number of cartridge pouches there (70/13) one message reports on the presence in camp of a bricklayer’s foreman (107/1-3), two messages deal with the collecting of ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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CAMPS:a) Control The concentration camps mentioned in this traffic are controlled from ORANIENBURG (Call sign OMA and calling OMZ when all concentration camps are addressed). The following is a selection of returns etc. called for by ORANIENBURG. On 5 May (67/10) they request returns of P/W divided by ages into under 20, 21 – 30, 31 – 40, 41 – 50. The MAUTHAUSEN return (67/11) is 47:240:57:6, a total of 350; the HORHUG return for 1 May is 345. An individual return of 2096 (67/11) evidently belongs to FLOSSENBUERG, as it agrees with the HORHUG return. On several occasions ORANIENBURG asks for Hitler Youth members to become instructors in the Gebietsfuehrerschulen (97/6; 97/10). Many messages refer to the combing out of KL guards for front service with the Waffen SS. On 13 May a return is asked of Active SS Fuehrers up to 30 years of age (60/21 cf 58/1). On 18 May a return is demanded of SS men who have been given up to Field or Depot units since the beginning of the war (80/7). On 20 May they ask for a return of all SS men with rank, medical category, front service, wounded badges etc. (75/17). There is evidently a fear that the drain on guards will endanger the camps and on 16 June (129/Addenda) they send out a questionnaire about the Company in Waiting (Bereitschaftskomp.). 1) Does it exist? 2) Is it used to guard prisoners working? 3) How quickly can it go into action? 4) Strength. 5) Weapons. 6) Nearest garrison, distance and strength? (Answers: 126/31; 127/17 (FLO); 127/4 (AU)). On 5 June they require German prisoners with a perfect knowledge of English in speech and writing(104/13). FLOSSENBUERG and NIEDERHAGEN send nil returns (104/28, 107/10). This may be connected with a later message of the 23rd. June sent to the BUCHENWALD call sign (G.E.V.6): are suitable as Kapos”. It seems likely that this attempt failed too, since on 22 July (G.E.V. 12) SS FHA Ia asks nine of the SS Ersatz Units each to supply 15 proved, energetic, adaptable men, with long service behind them for Special Service. “knowledge of English is desirable”. A message of 9 June (113/28) asks for proposals for the Kriegsverdienstkreuz, Class II, up to 1% of the strength of the guard. A new method is introduced for the daily prisoner return on 12 June (121/17 cf 135/23); the figures are to read 1.Total, 2.Arrivals, 3.Departures (4. Political prisoners; often interpreted e.g. by STUTTHOF as Germans, 5 Jews), 6 Poles, 7 Russian P/W. (The change can be seen in the HORHUG returns). Russian civilian workers are to be put in the total (169/21). Black uniforms are to be collected by the end of June (171/8). On the 29 July ORANIENBURG asks for Nos. of German women prisoners who correspond with relatives abroad. b) KL. DACHAU. Call-sign: OMB. Strength of Guard: Unknown. Figures for Prisoners: Jan.5th. 9340 (4277 Jews; no Russians); Feb.2, 8606 (3924 Jews); March 2, 7748 (3556 Jews); April 1, 7863 (3486 Jews); May 1, 7929 (3439 Jews); June 3, 7655 (3133 Jews, 92 Russians); July 2 8045 (3543 political prisoners, 3156 Jews, 148 Russians); Note 1). 92 Russians civilian workers arrive on 8 May (66/43); this agrees with HORHUG return. 2) On 19 May (70/8) 18 prisoners are to be transferred to Versuchsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung und Verpflegung: these may be included in HORHUG return of 20 May, when 67 leave. 3) On 3 June (96/19) prisoners are to be sent to the Div. Wiking: 191 leave on 5 June according to ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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HORHUG. 4) On 9 June (113/25) 50 Kapos. are to be sent to KL. LUBLIN; on 11 June 81 leave according to HORHUG. 5) On 23 June (140/39) 20 carpenters are to be sent to DACHAU from MAUTHAUSEN; on 24 June 21 arrive at DACHAU and 17 have left MAUTHAUSEN according to HORHUG. c) KL. MAUTHAUSEN Call Sign: OMC. Strength of Guard: 472 (109/17)/ Figures of Prisoners (HORHUG): 5 Jan. 5393 (2031 Poles, 1683 Russians). 2 Feb. 5491. 9 March 5600. 2 April 5367 (580 Russians: the fall in numbers is presumably caused by separating off the civilian Russians so that the Russian column now only stands for prisoners of war). 1 May 5107 (Russians 345). 1 June 5140 (Russians 286). 1 July 5424 Political prisoners 1385: the Polish column has fallen out). On 13 April ORANIENBURG asks from what camp or STALAG the 23 new Soviet prisoners come (the increase can be seen in the HORHUG reports); on the same day three prisoners escape (24/33,12). On 20th. April they are told that Dr. RUSCHER is allowed to use coloured photography which is necessary for his experiments (2/17). On 4 May a prisoner is shot in flight (84/30). A message of the same day states that the signal of HOR for SS Hauptsturmfuehrer MEYER is MINIMIA; the signature of HOR is MIAMIZ (84/1,1A). On 13th. June (123/11) the total of prisoners is amended to 5325 (HORHUG gives 5371). On 22 June (139/15) 20 prisoner workmen are required for 14 days to lay a cable from ENNSDORF to MAUTHAUSEN (HORHUG gives a departure of 19 on 23 June). On 23 June (140/39) 30 carpenters are to be sent to STUTTHOF and 20 to DACHAU (HORHUG gives a departure of 17 from MAUTHAUSEN on 24 June and an arrival of 21 at DACHAU on 24 June). On the same day a prisoner escapes in a wooden case constructed by other prisoners (140/24). On 30 June (179/1) AUSCHWITZ is asked for goods waggons to transport 710 prisoners (there is no sign of this in HORHUG). On 4 July (180/12) MAUTHAUSEN is told to receive 40 Schutzhundefuehrer with their dogs (HORHUG gives an intake of 42 on 6 July). On 13 July (176/15) 12 prisoners fell ill with Typhus. KL GUSEN Uses the same call sign and may be controlled by MAUTHAUSEN. On 5 May (67/27) they send in a return of 261 prisoners of war. On 6 May they ask for a Searchlight (66/47). On 28 May 2 Poles are shot escaping (90/6). d) KL. BUCHENWALD. Call Sign: OMD. Strength of Guard: 113 N.C.Os, men unknown (66/44,34). Figures of prisoners HORHUG: Jan.10th, 7885 (1912 Russians); Feb.5th. 7968, (1892 Russians), March 3rd. 8019, (1872 Russians); April 1st. 6670 (2236 Russians); May 1st. 6558 (2096 Russians); June 1st. 6656 (945 Russians); July 2nd. 8088 (3526 Political prisoners, 812 Russians). Note 1) Extension of BUCHENWALD.(93/27) 2) 95 technical workers and 180 unskilled workers being sent to the GUSTLOFF Werke (Not in HORHUG) (60/8). 3) On 19th.May there is reference to the transfer of 1,000 SU P/W for SACHSENHAUSEN (70/24). 4) On 19 May 1,000 Russians despatched from WEIMAR (70/18) (No trace in HORHUG). 5) On 30th.May it is reported that 72,000 square meters of the enclosure (Ruestungswerk) will be built. There is room for 6,000 prisoners. (93/27). 6) On 24th.June the work on extension is to begin. They ask that prisoners shall not be sent to AU. (146/1). 7) On 25th.July 15 trained attendants (prisoners) are to be Transferred to AU at once. No Poles to be included. (193/21). e) KL. FLOSSENBUERG. Call sign: OME. Strength of Guard: 82 N.C.Os, men unknown (61/21). Figures of prisoners: Jan. 6, 3153 (582 Poles, 1734 Russians). ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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Feb.2, 3177 (579 Poles, 1085 Russians). March 2nd. 3133 (570 Poles, 1358 Russians). April 2nd. 3179 (555 Poles, 1614 Russians). May 8th. 3010 (515 Poles, 1473 Russians). June, 2848 (520 Poles, 1433 Russians). Political prisoners July 2nd. 4544 (2580 The FLO figures are remarkable; with the new system of returns on July 13th. they give a true picture for the first time: Total 4281, arrivals 0, departures 11. Political prisoners 2303, Jews 48, Poles 522, Russians 1408. On June 12th. they give the total 4292 and have no separate column. for political prisoners. The figures for June 11th. read 2883 old total. 1 Arrival, 1 departure. 2883 new total. 48 Jews, 528 Poles, 6 other nationalities, 1440 Russians. If minor inaccuracies are disregarded, it appears that the total of 2883 excludes 1400 of the political prisoners (? the Russian civilians as at AUSCHWITZ) and presumably all the earlier totals do the same. On 12 May (54/3) 209 prisoners are sent to BERNBURG/Saale for a special task; the HORHUG figures agree. On 19th.May the KL states that it is prepared to make toys (70/28. On 3 June they send a return of 41 prisoners who had worked in the tile industry (96/2). On 8 June (125/17,19) they send 9 Kapos to LUBLIN and 2 Haeftlinge to AUSCHWITZ: HORHUG records 13 departures from FLO on the 9th. On 19th.June (131/25) (cf 11) they are told to enter 100 Russian civilians and 20 Slovenes in the total in the daily strength return and in Column 1. (HORHUG shows an increase in the German column of 32 on June 18th. and 100 between June 22 and 24). Political prisoners Fourteen messages refer to prisoners shot while escaping and to one suicide. 4 of the prisoners are Poles and one a Jew. Their crimes are: anti-German propaganda, theft and embezzlement (3), anti-social attitude (2), suspicion of acting against the Reich, robbery and violence (2), Wirtschaft sabotage, Arbeitsabotage; one was a political administrator, And one Jew was imprisoned for allowing his wife to make friends with Aryan women. (66/26,17; 61/7; 60/2; 70/22; 76/8; 92/35;22; 96/28; 104/32; 126/7; 140/14; 146/23;25; 151/14). f) KL. AUSCHWITZ. Call Sign: OMF. Strength of Guard: N.C.Os 108 men unknown. Figures of Prisoners: Jan 6th. 9884 Total (presumably, excluding Russian civilians), 191 Jews, 9186 Poles, 2095 Russians (including civilians presumably). Feb.4th. 10259 Total. 254 Jews, 9506 Poles, 1280 Russians. Again the total presumably excludes Russian civilians and the Russian column includes civilians. March 2nd. 10116. 380 Jews, 9221 Poles, 871 Russians. April 3rd. 10242 Total. 1269 Jews, 8475 Poles, 354 Russians. Here for the first time the Russian column probably contains only prisoners of war. May 5th. 14296. 4010 Jews, 9559 Poles, 182 Russians. June 2nd. 14115 Total. 3466 Jews, 9985 Poles, 153 Russians. July 10th.16368. 459 Political prisoners, 5998 Jews, 7676 Poles, 153 Russians. ORANIENBURG’s criticism of their return of April 11 (25/22) can unfortunately not be checked as the relevant figures are missing. A message of 8 May refers to taking over 3128 prisoners from Armaments works in LUBLIN (66/14). A Pole escapes on 13 May (60/18). On 15 May HIMMLER expresses his interest in their tanning experiments (63/17). On 2nd.June AUSCHWITZ complains that the situation is extremely dangerous because the Hungarian replacements for guards given up to Field Units have not arrived (96/39); 90 of the 109 have arrived on 19 June (138/29). On 5 June AUSCHWITZ is told that for political reason they will not receive 2,000 Jewish workers, but on 17 June Jewish transports from Slowakia are announced (104/5; 127/16); their arrival can be seen in the HORHUG reports. A message of June 9th. says that Typhus dominates the camp (113/5): 18 out Of 106 cases have died before 15 June (126/4); 22 out of 77 further cases Have died before 22nd.June (140/1). On 4 July 100 Schutzhundefuehrer with their dogs are sent to AUSCHWITZ (108/4). On 16 July reference is made to a transport not of Jews but of “not interned” apparently from PARIS (168/41). AUSCHWITZ is told to hand over useless Jewish clothing to the clothing works at LUBLIN (168/13). g) SONDERLAGE MINZERT: Call Sign OMG. Strength of Guard: N.C.Os 36, men 213. ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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Figures for prisoners: None. Guards have won when on active service one KVKII with swords and two E.K.II (176/2). On 16 June wood is needed for a delousing station (126/1). h) KL NIEDERHAGEN: Call Sign OMI. Strength of Guard: N.C.Os 36, men 213. Figures for prisoners: HORHUG: Jan 30th. 596 (37 Poles); Feb.2nd. 595 (37 Poles); March 4th. 557 (33 Poles); April 1st. 814 (141 Poles) – 300 arrivals on March 31st.; May 1st. 685 (94 Poles) – total decrease over month, from HORHUG figures, 115; June 1st. 627 (80 Poles); July 1st. 590 (417 Germans, 63 Poles). On March 23rd. (770/11) there is a request for permission for an LKW to go to KASSEL-BREITENBACH to fetch food supplies for the troops. On 20th. April (2/32) it is stated that the camp normally has accommodation for 1,000 Häftlingen, and it is now asked how many could be put in if quartered more closely. On May 14th (58/5) it appears that there has been a proposal for setting up watchmaking, knife grinding and toy factories. It is reported on that date that restricted work on the two last mentioned can now begin. There are sufficient experienced Häftlinge in the camp. On 23rd.May (76/5) the camp has to provide 50 boxes: 115 x 62 x 30 cm. for Aufstellungsstab der SS LAH in SENNENLAGER. On 24th.June (146/28) a Bibelforscher is reported as having been shot while attempting to escape. i) KL LUBLIN: Call Sign: OMJ. Strength of Guard: Unknown. Figures for prisoners: HORHUG: January 16th. 1063 (800 Poles, 112 Russians); February 3rd. 704 (702 Poles, 160 Russians); March 2nd. 293 (243 Poles, 53 Russians); on February 16th. 104 and on February 20th. 131 departures are given. April 22nd. 5896 (5847 Jews, 62 Russians); May 5th. 6987 (6939 Jews); June 3rd. 10867 (1061 Jews); July 4th. 9912 (9610 Jews). The camp appears to have undergone a change in March – on 9th. there are 144 departures (Poles) leaving only Russians there for the rest of the month. There are no figures available for April until we get the large total of 5896 on 22nd. on which day 359 arrivals are reported. Again in May there would appear to have been large numbers of new arrivals from 12th., on which there were 6568 prisoners, the total leaps to 11557 on 20th. (11446 Jews). For the intervening period there are no figures. It should be noted that, as at Auschwitz, until late June the Russian column includes civilians as well as prisoners of war and the civilians are omitted from the total. Instructions were received on 5th.May (67/7) that the number of women was to be put in a new column and included in the total, but it is not clear from HORHUG that this was carried out. On 29th.May (92/7) a Slovak Jew escaped. On the same day (92/1) 6 Polish women went there for interrogation. On June 9th. (108/109) Kapos were sent from DACHAU and FLO. j) KL. STUTTHOF: Call Sign: OLL. Strength of Guard: 427. Figures for prisoners: March 1st. 847 men (758 Poles), 106 women (86 Poles); April 6th. 905 men (790 Poles), 106 women (88 Poles); May 3rd. 1075 men (845 Poles), 124 women (101 Poles); June 4th. 1343 men (943 Poles), 173 women (122 Poles); July 3rd. 1492 men (590 Germans, 260 Russians)), 177 women (142 Germans, 83 Poles). On 23rd. June (140/39) 31 joiners are to be sent from ORANIENBURG. k) FKL. RAVENSBRUECK: Call Sign: unknown. Strength of Guard: unknown. Figures for prisoners: none. On May 1st. (85/12) three women plant-breeding experts and two women botanists were to be transferred to the Landwirtschaft. On 15th. May (63/56) the camp needs an engineer as the whole of the Kdtr. Stab has been transferred to the front. On the same day (63/24) 20 reservists are to be sent to RAVENSBRUECK at once. ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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IV SUPPLIESa) Requirements. There are frequent requests for supplies from troops on the Russian front; while these do not always suggest shortage, they point to considerable delay in delivery of material. In January heating stoves are required by Nachricht Truppe L SS AH (43/2) and in February the Regt. asks for transport crates, equipment for motor cyclists and for shoemakers (33/2, 37/7). Supplies ordered from Zentral Marketenderei have not reached Dienststelle 01583 and 100kg tobacco are urgently needed (753/36). In June a terrible fly plague occurs and an Infantry Brigade appeals for 5,000 fly nets (100/42). Axles for carts (111/41), and 1,000 empty barrels to be obtained from OELEXPORT BERLIN (178/18) are among material required. SS Kav. Division needs considerable clothing equipment: 350 cloth blouses, 1973 camouflage jackets, 380 riding breeches, 700 cloth breeches, 2,000 steel helmet coverings, 800 body belts and 765 clasps for belts (129/50). Wirtschaftslager BOBRUISK has asked for camouflage clothing and equipment and is told to indicate for what purpose these are required by Nachschub Kommandantur (175/21). At the end of July 10,000 pilot glasses promised on May 30th. have not arrived in Russland Mitte and Nachschub Kommandantur states that these are badly needed. (170/43). Telegraphic and wireless equipment is frequently mentioned in one case at least traffic has been interrupted owing to faulty material (37/2,12; 12/4); a message from SANSONI mentions the despatch on March 3rd. of 3,5 Km. cable, and adds that the firm now only disposes of 0,75 Km. (20/15); rubber tubing is being supplied at the following prices: 3/4 in. 1,56 RM; 1 in. 2,09 RM; firehose 52 MM., 1,5 RM; (20/30). On the 30th. July Truppenuebungsplatz DEBICA is asked how many KM booty cable was surrendered to Truppenuebungsplatz BENESCHAU (189/28). Building material is needed in large quantities; Nachschub Kommandantur Russland Mitte is apparently engaged in vast building schemes, some material has been sent on July 14th. (163/27), but on July 24th. the Kdtur. requires 32 wagons building material for Dam. F.AU another 36 from various firms. in the Reich, and 5 wagons from ORANIENBURG for Zentral- bauleitung BOBRUISK, and urges immediate transport facilities (182/13). Sonderlage HINZERT sends an order for wood for the construction of Entlausungsansalt (126/1). The shortage of heavy oil causes Nachschub Kommandantur Russland Mitte to apply for immediate delivery of 20 charcoal gas producing plants for MLKW’s, together with trained drivers or an instructor, and a mechanic for the setting up of appliances (191/90). A message of May 22nd. mentions the price of 100 horses as 240,000 RM and adds that all efforts to produce horses from other districts have been unavailing (77/11). b) Deliveries. Supplies sent to the front during the period under review include: 20 wagons Mineral Water to DEBICA (111/59); arms, sledges, clothing, transport and construction material, agricultural machines to Nachschubkdtr. Russland Mitte (163/27) a turner’s lathe to DEBICA (190/35); 40 wagons mineral water to BOBRUISK (188/8). 1 SS Inf. Brig. receives comforts in the shape of 1,000 copies of “Germanische Gemeinschaft”, 20 copies of “Mein Kampf” for Ferntrauungen, as well as blotting paper, candles, LEICA films, bridge and “Skat” cards (62/16). c) Miscellaneous. In a message from HAMBURG to OSLO, dated 13.7.42, the following figures are quoted: COAL on 10.7.42, 9,100; on 11.7.42 16,400. POTATOES: on 10.7.42, 18,500; on 11.7.42 23,600. And the following information comes to light: Potato supplies for the winter are expected to improve and the ration per head and per week for the normal consumer will be increased by 3.2; for cigarettes and tobacco, a new distribution ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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period will start on 28.7.42 and it has been agreed that the number of coupons will have to be reduced; the hay crop is unfavourably affected by weather conditions. (178/24). d) Salvage. The concentration camps have been asked to indicate the amount of copper they have on hand. KL FLOSSENBUERG reports 64 kg. (151/7); KL BUCHENWALD 20 kg., (151/10); KL AUSCHWITZ 22 kg. (143/4); KL DACAHU reports 489,5 kg. consisting of conductor wire obtained from demolition (179/14). Lagerarzt DACHAU is requested to return empty soap sacks, even torn, as the Soap factory will only deliver supply on return of these (126/14). An enquiry on the use of human hair results in the following answer: KL FLOSSENBUERG reports that it is sent to factories for the manufacture of brushes (138/3), Sonderlager HINZERT reports that it is sent with another old material to Altverwertungsstelle STRAUBING/Bayern. (131/9). e) Food Control “May I remark” says DR. WOLFF, Komm. Gauwirtschaftsbelater- Geleitung HAMBURG, “that in HAMBURG, several establishments serve food between the hours of 12 to 14 to people who are not in business”. (189/71). V LABOUR AND INDUSTRY The shortage of man power leads to a considerable employment of prisoners outside as well as inside concentration camps. There are constant enquiries regarding the trade of prisoners and evidence of the part of undertakings and firms of demand for prisoner labour. On May 1st. LUBLIN can provide: 1200 clerical workers and students, 200 bakers, 150 butchers, 350 agricultural workers and 800 workers of various trades, total 2700. (85/7). On the same date DR. CAESAR is informed that KL RAVENSBRUECK disposes of 3 German speaking women horticulturists and 2 botanists. (85/12). The transfer of 95 skilled workers and 180 unskilled workers to the GUSTLOFF works is arranged on May 13th. at the rate of RM 5,00 per day and per prisoner for skilled workers, and RM 4,00 for unskilled workers. (60/8). KL DACHAU sends 18 prisoners to the Versuchsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung une Verpflegung on May 15th., at a rate of RM 0,30 per day per prisoner. (70/8). 20 prisoners are required on June 22nd. for laying a field cable from ENNSDORF to MAUTHAUSEN (139/15). In KL FLOSSENBUERG, prisoners who are not fit for heavier work will be employed on repair work, and the finishing of children’s toys. (70/28). A demand for 30 to 40 prisoners comes from a cement factory (131/18). HIMMLER himself requires by 10 A.M. on May 27th. the number of glass blowers available in KLs (86/34); and canvassing of makers of musical instruments is proceeding in JULY (174/1). VI NORWAY The anniversary of the incorporation of NORWAY in the Greater Reich is celebrated in OSLO by Reichskommissar TERBOVEN, whose private plane will bring his friends from BERLIN on April 13th. (751/11). On the same occasion, Minsiter LUNDE visits BERLIN where he is entertained with Min. Dir. BERNDT at a reception given by Nordische Verbindungsstelle and Nordische Gesellschaft, and attends a great NS manifestation organised by the BERLIN and HAMBURG party groups. On the 15th. April he takes part at a conference on foreign affairs with DR. DRAEGER, Staatssekretaer STUCKARDT, and ND. Min. Dir. (Auslanddienst des Auswaertigen Amtes. (26/14). A transport of Serbian prisoners from STEEEIN to NORWAY is mentioned on May 13th. when it is emphasised that shipping only is to be used, and that transport over SWEDEN is not to be considered under any ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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circumstances. (57/8). Shipping is mentioned on several occasions. On the 3rd.July, SS BAERENFELS sails from ROTTERDAM to BERGEN with insufficient bunker to proceed to her destination. She is instructed to dock in OSLO where SS TREUENFELS stands ready to continue the journey (178/24). The PETSAMO nickel works reports that SS FELIX can only use South Norwegian ports and that for loading at Northern ports other ships must be used (190/43). Other messages include an enquiry on the disposal of 1,000 American films confiscated in NORWAY (45/24); a request for an “Anny Ondra” film to be shown in OSLO, and a proposal for the building of a NAPOLA NORWEGEN, the plans to be worked out by Bauinspektion NORD, and Brigadefuehrer KAMMLER in charge (50/30). VII MISCELLANEOUS a) Reserved occupation: A director of ALSENSCHEIN Portland Cement Factory has volunteered for service on the Staff of an SS und Pol.Fuehrer on the Eastern Front; he occupies a key position in the firm but has been granted leave for front service for the months of May and June (3/57). b) Secret W/T Transmitter: A police message reporting a secret W/T transmitter in the possession of the Jew S.KRAUSS in BONZHAD, Hungary, adds that the transmitter must be a large one, of English manufacture. (94/14). c) Pigeons: In a message to the SS Hauptamt, Kdoamt der W. SS, Amt for Nachrichtverbindungen, SS Oberstumbannführer BERNDT, says that he has to give up his carrier-pigeon loft owing to the calling up of his colleagues. He enquires whether the Pigeon Collecting Centre in NUERNBERG still exists and, if so, for its address (29/35,36). d) Medicinal Herb culture: On 15th.July (170/7) a message is sent to the Heilkräuterkulturin der Hamptamtschef to the effect that SS Hptstuf LUCASS is not to be sent to WEILHEIM at present. e) Führerheimbaracke: On July 24th. (182/30) the Zentral bauleitung DEBICA is told that SS. Amtsgruppe 9(?)C, Brigf. D. KAMMLER has ordered the erection of a Führerheimbaracke for DEBICA in BRESLAU/LISS. f) Clothing Factory: On July 24th. (181/10,11), an enquiry is sent to Bauinspektion asking where, on SS ground, outside DACHAU camp, huts for a clothing factory can be placed. g) Hungarian Volksdeutsche: On June 2nd. (101/22) Rekrutendepot VI is told that Schütze Martin KRAEMER, the Hungarian Volksdeutsche representative, will report there, and they are sent instructions regarding money to be paid out to Hungarian Volksdeutsche. These monies having been sent by their relatives in Hungary. On July 31st. (191/25,26) Stubaf RADDATZ informs Staf. MARTIN that it is intended to move the 2 Komp. Volkdeutsche Hungarians to Mitte for guard duties. The Arbeitsabtlg is to move with them. A further message on the same day (191/55) says that they will probably be entertained on August 10th. h) Police Units activities – Russian Front: On May 1st. (19/3) Brigadeführer GLOBOGNIK informs Obergruppenführer KRUEGER that on account of the present situation in the fight against the Partisans and the utterances of captured officials of those offering resistance, he has immediately put into operation an Alarm I. On the same day (19/29) GLOBOCNIK asks Staf. NORDMANN, SS. FHA where Staf. FEGELEIN is, and under what address he can be reached. VIII WIRELESS TRAFFIC: a) 4152 Frequency: The call signs of stations working on this frequency are OMA, OMB, OMC, OMD, OME, OMF, OMG, OMH, OMI, OMJ, OML, OMR, OMX, OMZ(CQ). Of these OMA is ORANIENSBURG and controls the concentration camps (see Para: III), which use OMB, OMC, OMD, OME, OMF, ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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OMG, OMI, and OMJ. KL. Stutthof, whose call sign is OLL, normally works on another frequency, but messages originating from OLL and OLU (Vienna) or destined for OLL and OLU are occasionally relayed on this frequency. OMZ is a CQ call sign covering all the concentration camps. OMX, OMH, OML, OMR and OMS work occasionally on this frequency. Fragmentary returns for the concentration camps exist for April, May and June (72/2,7,10,11,30; 127/37-43; 137/4,5; 183/6,7,11,12; 192/2). The number of messages received by 5 camps in April is 324; the number sent 272. As the working is Star with OMA as centre, the sum of these, 596, gives a real picture of the traffic for May, and as one camp (OMC) states that its return includes HOR messages, probably all the returns include HOR messages. During May 6 camps received 418 and sent 351 messages, making a total of 769 messages. Figures for the missing camps OMC and OMJ can be supplied from April and June; in April OMC received and sent 188 messages, in June OMD received and sent 145. If these are included, a rough estimate of the total traffic between OMA and its dependent stations is 1102. It is probable that the Germans mean by messages Teile. The total of Teile in May decodes on this frequency in Orange and HOR is 938, or roughly 85% of the Teile sent. b) Other frequencies: Several other frequencies are used and several important stations use more than one frequency; the following notes are therefore classified under call signs rather than under frequencies. The stations dealt with are the OL group and stations of the most important operational units. The August traffic for which decodes are not yet available have been analysed in some detail. (1) The OL Group. (Frequency 4906) Most of these stations have been located in Germany and the occupied countries, going as far west as METZ and as far east as KRAKAU. OMX (Berlin), OMK (Debica) OMQ (Lublin) etc. also belong to this group. The messages can be generally classed as administrative and come for the most part from SS.v.Pol.Führers, Pol. Gerichten, Ergänzungsletten, Oberabschnitten, but also from Depot and Trng. units (OLP and OLV are reserved for special treatment). (2) OMX1: DÖK 1 (SS.Div.Totenkopf) A message at the end of January assigns OMX 1 to SS.Div.Totenkopf (28/17). The call sign occurs in traffic of the last week of February; it was heard again on March 4th., in the first week of June and in the fourth week of June and between July 4th. and 10th. OMX 1 was called by OMX 4 on August 4th. but was unheard. Frequencies of OMX 1 are 4906 and 6230A. This last call may have been made in error as a message of July 12th. (161/3) gives SS.Div. Totenkopf a new call sign, DÖK 1; this belongs with the DLK, DÖG and DÖF to the Apple Group, which has however been passing Orange traffic since the first week in June. DÖK 1 has been in communication with DÖF, DÖG and DÖK on most days in August and one part and two part messages have passed: on 10 August 2 two part, 1 three part, and 2 one part messages passed. D/F locations place DÖK 1 in Latvia-Lithuania, DÖG and DÖK in Russia, DÖG probably South (187/8) and DÖK probably centre (163/27); DÖF is Berlin. (3) OMX 2, OMX 5, OMX 6, OLV (Div.Wiking: LSS AH). Frequencies used have been 4681, 4906 and 6230A. OMX 2 was used for both divisions until July, but now call sign of WIKING is unknown. OMX 5 appears on 31st.May; OMX 6 also appears early in June; they reappear sporadically in July and finally OMX 5 was called but did not answer on 14 August. OMX 5 is referred to in a decode of 11 July (162/6) as the call sign for a special Sitrep. issued by the LSSAH on 6370 for passing via OMX to OMX 2; a line of stations from LEMBERG to METZ on 6370 are to listen for it. OMX 6 appears to be the call sign of one Regt. of LSS AH (161/10). OMX 2 was active until 6 August, calling OLK (Nörnberg), OMX (Berlin), OMS (Munich); between August 1st. and 16th. about 12 messages were intercepted, 4 of them two part. On 4th.August D/F bearings “suggest LE HAVRE-ROUEN or further South in N.CHATRES area”. OLV replaced OMX 2 on 6 August and passed messages at about the same rate; on 12 August OLV was in contact with SOC. It is probably safe to assume that OLV is the new call sign of LSS AH. ZIP/O.S.1/21.8.42
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(4) OMX 3 (Div.Reich). Frequencies used have been 4681, 4906, 6230A. OMX 3 was active during June and July. On 1 August sent a message of 182 letters to OLK (Nürnberg) and was not in communication with OMX. On 4 August he sent messages of 148, 257 and 109 letters to OMX. On 5 August he was in communication with OMX. On 6 August OMK sent a message to 241 letters to OMX 4 for OMX 3. On 9 August messages of 193 and 138 letters passed between OMX and OMX 3. On 10 August OMX 3 could not be heard by OMX and has not come up since. (5) OLP (Div.Prinz Eugen; UNNA for DORTMUND). OLP uses 4906 and 6230A and has been active during both weeks of August. On 3 August he was in communication with OLU (Metz) and OLL (Danzig). On 4th.August he was called by OLA (Munich) and received two messages of 132 letters from OMX; traffic was also passing to OLT (Rotterdam). On 5 August he was in communication with OLK (Nürnberg) and OLU (Vienna). On 14 August he was in communication with OMX and OMX 4. (6) C: OMR: OMU: OMV: OMW. (The frequencies used have been 4906, 6720, 4750, 4152, 6230). C. is in the MOGLIEV-MINSK area. OMR is possibly DANZIG, OMW is WARSAW, OMU is SMOLENSK – East Prussia. OMK and OMV both appear towards the end of February. On 22 March OMR is in contact with new stations OMR1 and VH2. Between 29 March and 4 April OMU takes the place of OMR and OMW appears as well as OMV which it replaces. From the decodes it appears that C – OMV or OMW is normally used by 2 SS. Inf. Bde., and C – OMR or OMU by Cav. Brig. and 1 Cav. Regt. During the first two weeks of August C:OMW has been active every day except August 1 and 13 but has had constant trouble with interference. (7) C: OMS: OMS.1. (The frequencies used here have been 4152, 6230 and 4906). OMS is MUNICH. OMS.1 is 1 SS.Inf. Bde. The traffic begins in January; 3 messages are sent daily in the last week of February; the number rises slightly in March and then falls again and OMS.1 is seldom heard in May and June. |